Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 28, 2008

feeding your drama addiction.

loving you..
it's korean drama..
i guess it's kinda lame..
n im still in progress to finish d drama..
but so far soo gud.
suggest me more people.!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A.N.A.L.E.I.G.H .

i luv this girl.
she's so pleasant to look at..
damn like her.
she didnt win but she make it to top 3.
what an achievement. u go girl!!











.top 3 ANTM cycle 11.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

gud news for me.

hey peeps!!
enjoying d moment..
last nite my grandma called n said that she wants to do sumthin like korbankan ak??
for hri rye haji..
so..that means, raye haji blik jb!!
damn like it!!
as far that i know, it will be me, kak noni, nurul, along faizal,amin, and amad sofie.
i guess it's bcoz,we r all the first one.
the oldest in our siblings.

and, i really can't wait for twilight, histeria (liyana jasmay n other hot babes), n bride war..
i guess there r some more tp lupe sudey~~

btw, to all ANTM fans, for cycle 11, i think mckey is d winner.
kinda shocked me..
it's ok..
she's gud tho~~


Monday, November 24, 2008


umah ak xde air??
it's d last pleasant thing that i had expected to happen.

woke up, then wanted to clean up d house.
n bkak paip tp air xkluar.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

how embarrassing!!

juz now went to my lil sis's graduation ceremony,
it was gud..
all the performances are rily gud..
for 3,4,5 n 6 years old children..
impress me for real.

so..all the bad things happened when d ceremony otw nk abis..
hasanah bley lak muntah2 dlm hall tue,..
kcian adek ak..

then, ak plak nk tergelincir pijak muntah adek ak..
cian ak..

bapak malu gler..
nseb nazwan xnmpak..
hoho..his brother ngan adek ak tadika yg sme upenye..
juz know that..
what a day!

benci nye kalo bab jatuh2 nie!!!!!!!

to miss lissa

bcoz of tempate probs on lissa's page..so..special edition ak kumen blog dy kt blog ak saje...
weh lissa..

1. thanx coz nk jd permanent customer at my future spa..
2. double thankz coz kutuk pilihan at ak time kcik..jamal abdillah n faizal hussein.
(laugh like syaitan..)
3. sowy mengatakan kamoo sgt nyanyuk krn tdk pndai m'gunekn deria yg ade untuk melihat 'ke manual-lan' alat2 elektrik d rumah.
4. for GOD sake! tlg bagi blog ko bley di kumen oley ak..waaa~~

xoxo lissa.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


i've been tagged by cik lissa~

mari lihat perihal 7 jawapan
1. 7 ciri wanita/lelaki idaman anda

a. non-smoking type..(but my bad..)
b. sedap mate ak ni nk pndang.,.(xyah hipokrit..sume owg pon nk yg sdap mate memandang..kn?
c. ade duit. (haha..cian boyz..)
d. caring
e. romantik can, tp kalo jiwang sumpah ak geli.
f. sense of humour..x diam.(sgt penting tok ak)
g. islamic..bley bimbing ak.

sesiapa yg memenuhi ciri2 ini sila hubungi saya A.S.A.P. terima kasih.

2. 7 wanita/lelaki yang pernah anda minati sepanjang hidup

sgt . brani . mati . (bak kate lissa)
a. jensen ackles (hawt hawt hawt!)
b. chad michael murray (xley bla taste ak)

c. abang yg keje kt famasi kt billion tue..(cm doh..haha..plus..my mum likes him la lak)
d. lee dong wook (my girl)
e. my neighbour (like duh!!!)
f. joe cole. kah3~
g. last but not least mr A.

3. 7 perasaan sekiranya keluar dengan seseorang yang anda minati

a. cuak dowh.
b. neves..tp bajet cool
c. rse cm nk muntah
d. clumsy..tataw npe..masalah genetik
e. hepi

f. berbunga2..gile+geli
g. excited??

4. 7 tempat istimewa yang ingin dilawati bersama pasangan anda

a. barcelona
b. venice
c. pulau jeju, korea

d. caribbean island
e. switzerland
f. cape town
g. venezuela..

5. 7 barangan/sesuatu istimewa yang mungkin akan anda hadiahkan kepada pasangan anda

a. doa ( shial adek ak gelak lak..)
b. boxer..(adik ak soh..tp cm bodoh jek)
c. happiness.caring. wutever it takes
d. support..
e. sacrificing..??
f. l.o.v.e
g. bagi tape 'that's the way i propose' kt dy.

6. 7 tajuk lagu yang akan anda dedicate untuk pasangan anda

a. fall for you-secondhand serenade
b. unintended
c. i'll be - edwin mcCane
d. all about you - McFly
e. that's when i stop loving you - n'sync
f. never say goodbye..<3>

g. your guardian angel

7. 7 rakan yang anda tag dan mahu mereka membuat perihal 7 ini.mereka mesti diberitahu akan perihal ini.

-open open! everybody who wants to do it

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

i've been tag by miss lissa estrada.

To tag along: you have to list 7 weird things about yourself,post it in your blog,tag at least 7 people (list their names),and comment on their blog to let them know that you just tagged them.

7 weird things about me.

1- im really passionate about myself. singing and dancing like crazy like i was do it infront of d audience.

2- berangan sampe ak tetdo.dreaming bout weird things..sampe nages2..cm ak tga blakon pon ade. bengong

3- i could hv a 'crush' almost at d guys..on tv! how could they be so cute and hawt! n can't get over them. so stupid since i hv many 'real' hot guys in my 'real' life. n waktu ak kecik2 ak bley fall in luv ngan jamal abdillah n faizal hussin?? double stupid!

4- i love being around people..but sumtimes i really want to be alone and quite. but many of my fwens was acting like.."awkward....izza senyap la..~~"

5- afraid in doing what i really want?? like im stuck on sumthing..

6- i can't stand watching loving couples around me. i mean, really loving..cm da x bley nk me 'loving'2 len wktu. uh..puh-leez!! im not jelez..but i juz dunno how to react.

7- this one is really true. i could stand for hours in front of my wardrobe thinking of what should i really wear today...? like crazy coz i was already late for my class.!!

~7 lucky people n they are..
sape2 je nk wt..sile kan..


Monday, November 17, 2008


Name -->izza azizah rosli
Sister --> 2. nur khumairah and nur hana hasanah
Brothers --> juz 1. it's enough! muhammad syukur
Shoe size --> 8 to 9
Height --> 153
Where do you live --> kajang, selangor
Have you ever been on a plane -->yeah..air asia best~~=]
Swam in the ocean --> damn like it..
Fallen asleep at school --> owh..time form 1..everyday.!!huhu~
Broken someone’s heart -->huhu~~zaman gelap.
Fell off your chair --> yeah, form 4..budu maluuuuuuu!!~~
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call --> yeah..n i feel stupid.
Saved e-mails --> yup yup yup.
What is your room like --> kindergarten??it's colourful.juz like my blog.
What’s right beside you -->books??
What is the last thing you ate --> toast

Ever had…

Chicken pox --> yeah..form 1.cm gampang ak wase
BoldSore throat --> rarely
Stitches -->yeah..
Do you believe in love at first sight --> of coz..we never knows..
Like picnics --> hell yeah!

Who was/were…
The last person you danced with --> my sista. she's horrible.
Last made you smile --> nazwan ajak g karok. gle ape??
You last yelled at --> juz now. my strumming shit.

did you talk to someone you like --> yeah..why shouldn't i??
Kissed anyone --> not..yet.
Get sick --> no no
Talk to an ex --> hah..like i got nothin else to do
Miss someone --> so
Who do you really hate --> my weakness.
Do you like your handwriting --> sumtimes..eheh..
Are your toed- nails painted --> neva
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in --> im a bed-friendly person
What color shirt are you wearing now --> dark blue
Are you a friendly person --> yup yeah yes.
Do you have any pets --> hamster dulu..suda mati tercekik kain. walhal ak wt kain tu jd selimut dier.

Do you sleep with the TV on --> no..im a big electric saver. ask my besties.
What are you doing right now --> mumble..
Can you handle the truth --> it's hard but i always try
Are you closer to your mother or father --> mummy

Do you eat healthy --> i guess
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex --> come on guys! we never hv one.
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to --> my gurlz..esp tia.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time --> im loud.
Are you confident --> yeap..

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-having fun at d last year at my first school
-pts. ak bley jwb half je from d whole questions. wut a loser.
-moving house
-dapat jiran baru
-wat2 tgl bus so i can go to school jln kaki

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
-half for my parents..family
-g haji..
-ak nk bkak spa..kah3~~
-this is my faveret thing. i want to buy lots of outfits and a house like
america's next top model pnye

5 of my bad habits
-im too moody
-lazy bum
-sux in handle money
-procrastinate person

5 place you lived

5 names you tag



Sunday, November 16, 2008


went to warta just now..
wit tia and my sistaz..
walked around nice outfits..
da save dlm otak ak nk bli yg mne pasni..

my mom still at work..
still not home yet..tho now it's 8.3o pm.
she has dinner wit her staff..
duh. borrriinggg!

will go tru wit my efforts to lose weight.


jobby job.


my lovely mama wants me to try get job at the new branch of mc d near my house.
i want to..
but it's better i ask sumbody to join me..

such as...my brother??
or mimi??
or nazwan??aduh..
keep me in the dark again.

what bout mr A??
haha..bet me i will do it!


Saturday, November 15, 2008


internet is sooo slow..
like i wanna kill myself.
wanna download~

gossip girl
ghost whisperer

and other stuffs..
but wit such a network..
forget it.
for now.~

still super mad ngan fwenster.
it's horrible to find out that u've 4 fwens. only!
n suddently.
over 222..
im a murderer.
tengok la..



weather~ sick!!

asal sumer kwn2 kt friendster ak ilang!!!!!!!!
seyes x phm!!


hey i got an award from bill..
i guess people who get that are bcoz their blog r such an 'bestgler??'
thanx ye bill..

so, here's the rule (yang membulehkan aku dapat such an appreciation. iskk)
(copied from bill)

1. give to the people whom you feel BEST/GILA-GILA (aku best/gila2? woww.haha poyo aku)
2. only 5 people
3. link to that person who had received the award
4. sesiapa dpt award ni diwajibkan buat posting kat blog dier sb dier dpt award
5. inform the people yg dpt award ni kat blog dier ok!!

and my top 5 are *drumroll*:

1- ajie roxx ~ she's so stylish and hell cerewet..
2- cicin zoni ~ so helpful n so..not d type of selfish person.
3- pipa soket ~ i luv her. she's so understandable..heh..wujud ke ni?? wutever but she's my bff n i can't ask for more
4- lissa ~ my ex rumate n we did had a really great tyme together
5- piqa ~ dunno her but cicin tells me a lot bout this gurl..n i think she deserves this.

ok people..no need to say thanx coz i've already say u're welcome..


ok..last paper.
on 13th of nov..
i was facing my killer subject..
right b4 d exam..i felt something in my stomach n my throat.
i think it was a butterfly.
like hell! i hate butter.fly. for real..
nervous..dunno why..instinct ckp exam cm ssh gler..

got not enough sleep..
head ache..
dup dap dup dap..
cm gampang.

than in my time of exam..keep telling myself..
do it right..do it right..
less than 3 hours..it's gonna be fine.
all the bad things will dissapear.
ceh kunun..

but how am i gonna calm myself ble exam bapak ssh gler..
for GOD sake. i dun want to repeat this paper!!
tlg la jauh kan bau 'repeat' ni dr idup ak..
hoho...im so busted am i??

abis paper..discuss2..chitty chat ngan ali n hamdan, sumpah seranah ngan besties..
get lost from d exmination hall..
blik umah kol 6, washed my clothes..
get ready, and went out back at 7 pm..
g queensbay..solat kt sne.
than g ferrighi, tu lg cm siyee..
tp best jln2 tgk barang..
ronda2 pulau..the view is extremely awesome at night.
than...after that g nashmir pule..dorg sme on9, ak lak tdo..

as soon as we reached home, start cleaning up everything coz my ticket esoknye kol 12 pm n there's no more time left. cicin mmg best sbb dy bley jd kan toilet yg mcm kat ceruk vietnam tu mcm toilet kat paris hilton pnye hotel..kih3~~
but when i gave her that compliment..ade ke ptot she asked me to lick that jumbun lak..
so we have to do that on 2 am..tdo kol 4..
bgn kol 9..ak lpas subuh lg..
g blik solat..i saw pipa's parents lak..adoh malu...
siap2..mkn nasi lemak yg so euwww..tp thatnx to pipa's dad, treat us breakfast.
n pipa n ajie sent us to jeti..
pastu hugging2 pastu dowg blah..
pastu ktowg tgu bus..than cicin lost her ticket.
like hell i was sooo bengang ble da smpe twon bus g crik d serate ceruk than lastly she found it in her bag.
mmg seyes mintak buku lutut.
but it's ok.=]



she's happy..so am i

yeah..that chestnut..wut a 'memory'..

ajie d blakang

Friday, November 14, 2008


time ni la mr A msg ak..

d rumah~

weather~ yeay!!

hi blogger..
im at home..whoaaa....
it feels great to be home..
my friends still stuck wit d final kt sne..best of luck eh buddies..


best nye kt umah~!!!


Friday, November 7, 2008


RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

Tagged by : bill. ~my rawkiey bff

1. What would be the least favourite thing that has happened to you?

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
want him to be happy..kalo bley biar r ngan ak kan..hik3~

3.Why did you stop liking the last person you liked?
oops!err..he's too good for me.??

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
of coz la i'll but lots of outfits!!n of coz half for my family.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
i dunno..depends. how can i answer this??

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

7. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
keep in touch wit each other but i've already like sumone.

8. If you were to choose a verse or verses from the Quran that has made an impact in your life, which one would you choose?
everything happens for a reason and ALLAH knows what's best for you.

9. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
blossom of happiness in my private personal life. N my study!

10. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
married..and at least 1 adoreable kis..kah3~~

11. What’s your fear?
ALLAH..n hell.

12. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
she rawks my world. we share all things together

13. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
single but rich.. i dun want my happiness will be gone bcoz we r poor.

14. What’s the first thing that you do when you wake up?
time.!alahai lepas subuh tak,..?

15. Would you give all in a relationship?
yuh... except my body.huhu~

16. What is the movie that you would promote to others?
ayat-ayat cinta.

17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
yuh..it makes me tired to keep hating sumone.

18. When was the last time you watched a movie and who did you watch it with?
with my besties n cicin's scandal, mukhlis. high school musical. 2 weeks ago

19. Has anyone told you a secret lately that you aren’t allowed to tell anyone?
ade kot...

20. List 5 people to tag


karok yg xbley d resist..

weather~ intense..

sweet dream mlm td.
nk kate tdo syaitan..everynite ak bce doa b4 tdo.
went karok last nite..best gler lepas tension..
it was fun..
i was totally had a blast!
thanx ye kwn2..
pipacoz bwk kete
ajiecoz bg ak nyanyi lgu ayat-ayat cinta duh!!~~but the muvi is awesome great. go watch!!
cicinsanggup ikut ktowg every karok tp xpenah nyanyi
ilasupport ak nyanyi byk2

got no more to write..
owh..thanx to nazwan..touching r ko igt gak kt ak..
bestfwen ok!!
n d most important thing that i like bout u is that..
u're neva got me out of my shoes..ko xmalu n u make me comfortable.
kalo jmpe ko xmalu2 tego..ske r cmtu..
xde la ak wase ko ni mental..
hoho..thanx buddy.


eXam kaH iNi..??

weather~ sweet dream..lalala~~

yesterday i had my soil engineering exam..and it's all 'genius'
sweet nibblets i tell you!
hoho~~no more hope.
i just want to past.
d day b4 exam ak g la jmpe lecturer ak tue..n dy mmg terkejut coz ktowg tanye sungguh byk soalan ye..yg sgt bnyk dan dy sgt pelik kerana kami tidak tahu mende yg basic2 ye.
sangat menyedihkan ye.

n ble ak msok je exm hall..confidential ak tros g tmpat letak soalan blakang skali.
my place la~~duh!
nervously, open d paper..and BAMM!!
know nothing!!
n i wrote all shit things in the examinatin 'shit' paper..
sdey bangat.
smntara tgu owg msok..ak ngan besties ak pon pelagi..
bincang2 dlu..discuss pnye discuss nye discuss..
dalam segiempat bermuda kitowg..
at least ak dpt la gak markah free..
kalo x sia2 jek ak jwb salah..

btw, CTU n ENGLISH paper..okay la..
im soooo relieve yg killer paper is done.
math and solid plak nk kene blasah gler pasni..
but i know all of this things will be gone..
so..patience is the key word.
but for me, d real keyword is 'outfit'.
coz think bout that is already make me feel happy..


Sunday, November 2, 2008

my ship!

weather~ sakit perut.

not indamood nk blogging.
act i want to do the 'tag' yg misz bill soh..
but later i will.
bengang r owg xleh nk komen blog ak.
ntah pe masalah dy ntah..
tolong bil!!

than,bout mr fwen.
he's weird.
myb he's more comfortable wit me kalo msg2 kot.
i juz dun understand him.

my mr A.
if u read this..
myb u thnk im such a pathetic loser.
but so wut?
it's my life.
i point my ship where ever i want it to go.
myb i waste my time.
but i don't mind.
stil missing you
