Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 7, 2008

eXam kaH iNi..??

weather~ sweet dream..lalala~~

yesterday i had my soil engineering exam..and it's all 'genius'
sweet nibblets i tell you!
hoho~~no more hope.
i just want to past.
d day b4 exam ak g la jmpe lecturer ak tue..n dy mmg terkejut coz ktowg tanye sungguh byk soalan ye..yg sgt bnyk dan dy sgt pelik kerana kami tidak tahu mende yg basic2 ye.
sangat menyedihkan ye.

n ble ak msok je exm hall..confidential ak tros g tmpat letak soalan blakang skali.
my place la~~duh!
nervously, open d paper..and BAMM!!
know nothing!!
n i wrote all shit things in the examinatin 'shit' paper..
sdey bangat.
smntara tgu owg msok..ak ngan besties ak pon pelagi..
bincang2 dlu..discuss pnye discuss nye discuss..
dalam segiempat bermuda kitowg..
at least ak dpt la gak markah free..
kalo x sia2 jek ak jwb salah..

btw, CTU n ENGLISH paper..okay la..
im soooo relieve yg killer paper is done.
math and solid plak nk kene blasah gler pasni..
but i know all of this things will be gone..
so..patience is the key word.
but for me, d real keyword is 'outfit'.
coz think bout that is already make me feel happy..


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