Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, September 26, 2009

everybody knows the end, when curtain hits the floor;

my day was fabulous. not that fabulous but hey, got friends by my side is more than fabulous to me.
tomorrow i need to wake up early.
by 7am (impossible i know. memandangkan saye sedang come.moon.so it is impossible))
we need to rush to get shafiq to the airport on time. and tonight, ill be busy to help my mom for our open house tomorrow.

please do come.
kg sg ramal dalam, seksyen 8, bandar baru bangi.

sebarang masalah sile roger.

and yes, i will miss our moment together, my friends. how i wish this wont come to an end.

and have a safe flight
mohd syafiq zamasri. (sorry if i spelled u wrong.beat me.)
tomorrow's gonna be great.
insya ALLAH.


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