Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Exam's over. Im so relieved. There's nothing more than hoping for the best. Everyone knows exam weeks are so tiring, and freaking stressful. Like, dead stressful. I remember i took 6 papers last semester and it was the greatest of dreadful moments OF MUAH LIFE. I seriously telling you that i almost wanted to throw up when i was taking my last paper. Just by looking at the paper. Thank God i didn't repeat that Static. My lecturer was a saviour. Great one :D

But now, something came up. I dropped one subject early this semester because i wanted to look after my pointer. But that doesn't go quite well. It said that i didn't have any courses registered and now i'm pissed off. Hell-looo! Computers do make mistakes ok? I really hope i could do this upcoming intersession or else, i am so dead. My other friends that still sitting for papers, GOOD LUCK guys.

Have a happy-wonderfully magical holiday everyone. See you another 4 months. If we're still alive.
Insya ALLAH.

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