weather~ tidak stabil
will make it fast..
today is 6th of january..
ari tue on 29 g daftar..
feel sooo happy when i saw my besties..
n that nite da start joli..we watched histeria..
n miss's not that bad okeh..
okay pe..~~
n the biggest news ever~~
on 4th of january which is 2 days ago..
between 8 am to 10 am..
someone psycho=crazy=jerk=what so ever..
pecah msok umah ak..
so menjadikan jumlah total kes pecah umah ak taun ni da 3 kali!!
cm anjing prangai..
1st time msok xamik pape..
juz selongkar sme kotak..
second time ble cti sem, tp xdpt msok coz kunci..
3rd time..die leh msok sapu skali 2 laptop, 2 hp, duit kat 5 rat gak la..
alih2 ak sentap jage ble ajie jerit umah kne msok pncrik n sume purse tersusun cantekkk punye di ruang tamu.stupid moron..
the only thing yg sgt menghairankan..
sorg pon xterjage sewaktu kejadian.
kami mengesyaki diri kami telah dipukau+dijampi..
cm siut!!!
kalo brani curik la dpn2!
my roomate, ajie tue..
mmg sng gle terjage..
bapk tensionnye ak kalo nk msok blik..kene pelan2..
bunyi sket da bukak mate.
tu perompak tue bley je langka kaki2 ktowg nk g amek beg yg tersangkot d dendeng.
the most terrified thing was when we all noticed yg 2 pisau potong bawang ktowg xde time nk cook dinner pd hr kejadian..
pergh, mst dy lupe bwk pisau, pstu nk protect dri sndr pinjam pisau ktowg..
nk masak pon ssh..(bkn ak laa..)
da mencuri tu letakla blik..
mmg stupid shlumpadinka in africa.
but now im glad coz nobody's awake time tue..
kalo x sombody's gonna hurt.
skang da nk pinda..
found new house..
much better..
tv bapak besar..
my life.
to that pencuri..
lantak ko lah..
ktowg da report balai..
learn bout this..
sepandai2 tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ke tanah jugeee..
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