Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, January 19, 2009

tagging2 thing

1. How much do you spend for clothes per month?
*less than hundred..xsampai kot..
2. Who is more important to you?Friends or boy/girlfriend?
*friends will always stay with me..i juz can't live without them..at least til now ak still ley survive tho i dun hv loved ones..tp xtaw la esok..hu3~
3. How often do you think about committing suicide?
*r u crazy?i love myself!
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
5. How many babies do you want?
*5 might be ok kot..ntah xtaw.ak ske kot bdak2.~
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
*yeah..of coz..mmg jd after ujan je pon kan..
7. What is your goal for this year?
*get good pointer-3.5> *my mom was nagging n it stucks my ears.
patience*important..bak kate pipa, kesabaran akan menghasilkan kebahagiaan. emm..?
be a good daughter, sister, friends..at least im trying ok..
i want a room full of my clothes n my shoes..kah3~~
8. What kept you of being who you are?
*myself..i know sumtimes ak ni mmg annoying gler..tp nk wt cne, i juz got to be myself, but ill try to change what is bad
9. What's a perfect girlfriend/boyfriend like to you?(List 10)
sense of humor
.*joking byk2 sket sampe ley wat ak muntah
thinking man
ade duit
..*bkn materialistik..just ssh r kalo kuar ngan laki kedekut. at least bley blanje ak mkn eskem sundae mcd tu pon ok gak..hu3~
jgn romantik sgt..ak geli
!*i mean jiwang karat laa..
lastly, solat tak tinggal
..*nt kalo jmpe family ak, ayah ak soh semayang jd imam, xdela terkais2 kt sejadah tue..
10. What are you really afraid of?
*GOD of coz.. tp ak tkot btol ngan laut..xcam besa gler plak.
11. What are your bad habits?
* tangguh2 keje.can't help la.
12. Is there anything you wanna tell the people who hate you?
*i was stupid, n im sorry. my bad
13. State a random fact about yourself
*talkative *gle2 pnye sampe dlu time sek rendah mak ak kne pgil ngan ckgu. bole dy tanye mak ak asal ak byk sgt ckp. ai..sdey~
friendly.~*making friends is awesome
14. What does flying means to you?
*berbunga2 dalam at..gumbira tanpa sebarang kerisauan.
15. What do you crave for most currently?
*dorayaki**big apple pon sdap*coklat*eskem**sume mkanan yg menggemokkan bley x.
16. Most unexpected gift you received so far and when?
*my first cell phone. my mom gave it to me on my bday last almost 4 year, time ak 16. meaningful sgt2. thanx mom.
17. Describe the person who tagged you.Honestly.
*lissa nie..dy xdela sopan santun sgt..tp kalo dy ckp cm lek jek..xde nk smangat cm ak.. ex rumate yg sgt gle2 dan sgt gle warna hijau sampe ak nmpak sme mende pon ijau jek. cumel lissa. ak sayang dy.
18. What have you done to yourself that makes yourself happy?
*but myself an outfits la of coz. window shop. karok. mall.. mmg sgt2 menggembirakan at ak.
19. What will you become in another 10 years to come?
*excellent successful eng maybe. *walhal blaja ala kadar. pe la mau jd.
20. What song is your ringtone?
*byk..not what it seems - selena gomez
la la land- demi lovato
build me up buttercup - busted n mcfly
-couple people to tag :
sume yg bce blog ak kne wt..pastu gtau ak dy ade blog..bley ak bce.



LisOtt said...

syg kamu juga izza!!

LisOtt said...

oh aku sgt suka big apple!!

Izza Rosli said...

big apple rox.
tp ak xske say cheese,..