Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 24, 2009

owh archie..you can..=]

24th april 2009
weather~ 3 more papers to go! exhausted..

hallu hallu hallu!
it's been a long time since the last time i wrote here.
so..cm da 18 taun ak bwu nk gtau pekehal nye ngan gmbo d bwh.
it's kinda long story so i juz want to make it short.
nabil got the passes for david archuleta's showcase at sunway lagoon amphitheater
she was like..got 9 passes bley x.
byk gler.
si gile david.
i wasn't that excited if you know what i mean,
it's juz that bill is sooooooo into him and it's kinda effect me..a bit..

before that we went to the gathering of david's club.
archuleta avenue malaysia, (the people were soooo nice!)
bill gave me the pass, we walked to the sunway's amphitheater from the sunway unversity college..
haha..waktu mak ak anta ak kan..dy tanye asal nk jmpe kt sunway.
so ak jus ckp yg nabil nk jmpe kt sunway. plus, dy ade gathering
mak ak tnye gathering pe..
ak ckp r gathering club dy..
smpai2 jek..ade banner club usahawan..
cm ade briefing pasal that thing la..haha
mak ak bley lak tanye, 'owhhh..dy nk gathering club ni ke..'
hah!ak gelak jek..at least ak x mnipu.
igt nk be honest ble ak blik pas tgk david nnt.
but, i was arrived at home cm pukol 1o mlm bley.
xkene bebel lak..
xjd ak nk gtau.
mati ak kene marah.

owh..back to the showcase.
the crowd was like BAMMM!
so many people came and they were sooooooooo.... excited.!
haha!!sakit telinge ak.
wut to expect. kate pon showcase. bkn pentomim pnye teater.
jj n ean as the emcees..bley tahan klaka r dowg.
ean is scary fair..putih gle muke dy. rendah diri sket
and the showcase supposed to start at 3pm. but i was waiting and sitting and sleepy, xcm kol 3.45 lak bwu start.
tp for the opening, hou ren nyanyi 2 lgu, alif OIAM nyanyi 2 lagu, daniel m'sian idol 2 lagu..
macam staun nk tgu david kluar.
peoples were like screaming and shouting like crazy coz david xkuar2.
then, bile dy kuar, hoho..cm gle owg ramai.
histeria terbaek pnye wa ckp sama lu.
including wewe. bil's fwen.
haha! btw wewe n ema, i had fun with u guys too..=]
n wewe..practice naim to mingle wit people. he was soooooo quite.eheh..

n malas nk story pnjg2..*ceh ceh..
ntah cne, AAMers wt suprise ktowg dpt backstage pass for cd signing n tangkap gambo ngan david skali.
*menaip ngan excited!!!
haha..david was like sooooo fair, clean n clear tanpe cela..
dy tak sombong n dy respons sape2 pon yg nk ckp ngan dy.
haha..btw, dy yg start pgang ak dulu eh! bkn ak yg start. sumpah! die pegang sume fans dy yg cm 50 owg yg dpt jmpe dy backstage tue. friendly gle tak..awww...
ak tgk dy kt tv mcm pendek,
tp da jmpe, bley lak ak paras telinge dy jek.
walhal ak pkai wedges kot
but..whatever pon..david..u're awesome!
unbelievable vocal range, amazing personality and u're the real rocker to me!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!* screaming sket..coz ak kt showcase dy xmenjerit lgsung ok!
n now im really looking forward for your 2nd album.

luv you david!
*haha..i said that to him.=]
n bill can't stop laughing at me bcoz of that incident.
n i luv bil. thanx kerane berkongsi pengalaman ini.
u're the best.
for ur info, 1 day is not enough for me. huhu~~


Sunday, April 5, 2009

i could not ask for more

they are the reason why i can breathe smoothly
and they are the reason why i come alive

if i were a boy, i think i could understand

6th of april
11.53 am
weather~ asyik ujan jek. x kering baju2 aku!.

well well well.
today it's all about yesterday.
(memori la tue. berkias sket)
skang ak nk cter time waktu ak kecik2 dlu.
yg nk dga bley dga, yg xnk bace bley bla ke blog kwn2 ak yg len
dlu aku sangat ganas n kasar.
i think til now pon ak still kasar lagik.
dah terbiase. it's hard to change the way i am.
my ibu said, dlm byk2 adek ak, ak yg pling ganas skali.
n ak la anak nye yg start jln pling cpt.
pada umurku 9 bulan, aku da start berjalan n berlari.
kalo mak ak masak kt dapur, mak aku kunci grill, tkot ak bley bkak pintu n
get out from the house.
so, ble mak ak jenguk ak kt depan, dy terkejut tgk ak da xde
walhal mak ak da lock grill, skali tgk atas, ak da pnjat grill ke tahap tertinggi.
maka panik la mak ak dan segera la dy menurunkan ak.
skill pnjat memanjat ni mmg aku PhD la. xmen master2 nie. da lapok.
tabiat yg xdiketahui buruk atau baek ni
makin menjadi2 seiring ak meningkat dewase.
one sweet day, ak cm bosan, lalu ak pon kluar umah, panjat pokok mangge owg sbelah.
skali dga deruan moto n d sbalik simpang jln, ak nmpak kelibat bapak aku.
adoh shit!
dah terlambat.
bapak aku da nmpak.
i was freaking out like hell,
honestly ak da terbayang rotan bersama ayah aku.
sekuat tenage ak berlari msok dlm umah nyorok blakang pintu blek semayang.
no sound~
wait for it~
wait for it...~
" izaaaaaaaaaa!!!! "
yeah! cantek d ctow!
ak da tak ngat da pe yg berlaku.
cewah ayat nk cm drama.
ak wase of coz la ak kene pukul pnye,
panjat pokok mangge owg kot.
dah tu nk wat camne??
pokok mangge kt umah ak kecik lagi. bkn ak xnk,
ak da try pnjat, tp dy xdpt nk menampung berat ak ni,
ak lak yg jatuh.
da la kura2 belaan ak ilang.
kucing lak mati.
(act bapak ak xkasi pon bela kucing, so ak bela kat luar jek)
abes ikan bilis mak aku,
ak cilok bg dy makan tiap2 ari ble ak blik skola
bley plak dy x kenang budi ak,
g mati lak.
hoho..wutever it was
it is my precious memory ever
the place i was living then
the friends i had
the crush that i still remember his name..
salman kot
kpd sesape yg bername salman yg penah tgl di sg jelok, kajang
dan terbace blog ini,
sile la contact saye kembali.
mungkin kte bley mencipta memori baru bersame2.
tidakkah kamoo ingat dlu kite pernah bermaen basikal same2
dan tidak lupe juge kte pernah cube tok
membina jamban bersama2 menggunakan batu terbuang
di suatu kawasan lapang
*now i know why i took this civil engineering subject
pape jela.
but still memori smalam will stay silently at the bottom of my bloody heart.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

take me away, to a secret place

2nd of april
3.52 pm
weather~ tired tired tired

i wrote
im tired. hell like crazy.
more than 5 tests will be coming so soon * im juz too lazy to count
and with my lab reports..
ah ha. let me count this,

STRUCTURE lab = 20 lab reports
SOIL lab = 6 lab reports
BUILDING lab = 1 lab report *thank GOD. almost finish

and credit to these becoming tests for adding my burden and increased my crazyness and angry.

tomorrow(friday); test math
sunday(5/4); test building (didn't they know it's weekend? stupid)
tuesday(7/4); test lab soil
test lab structure
wednesday(8/4); test lecture building
thursday(9/4); test soil lecture *im really scaredof this one. seyesly.

and i dun even know if i got these tests correctly in the line. too many things in my head.
tension bagai nk ghabak.
asal la UiTM d hatiku ini suke sgt berlumbe2 nk wt test ble da nk final??
asal asal asal?
this question has been stuck in my mind long long long time ago.
n i still hold it for our lecturers to answer it efficiently without freaking out. eheh.
i juz hope for every second i've used
for every moment i've suffered
for every time tension cracked in my head
i hope im worth it.


no xoxo
for now