im a fan of chelsea. tak kesah la ko nak panggil chelshit ke chelhell ke, whatever! yang penting ak memang minat chelsea. ye!memang aku tak taw ape main eleven or substitution ke, distribution ke bagai, memang aku tak taw tapi aku da tanye orang da kot?!. bukan aku follow kaw2 pon. but if im free and there's a chelsea match, i will totally go and watch. aku start suke chelsea when i was 16 and that was because of player no 10. and that leads to another reason why i love no 10. bese r tue, first2 memang la kau tengok muke player yang sedap mate memandang. pastu baru kau tengok camne dia main. so far kalo tak joe cole aku suke drogba. drogba tu hensem snanye kalo korang tengok btol2. yg penting! ko tengok dia sepak bola. tunggu r nanti aku blaja sepak bola mcm dy. senang sket aku nak aplikasi kat owg2 sekeliling yg suke suki kutuk chelsea mcm
&^%*(*(&*(%^#$$*^&^*(&()*!! barula aku boley sepak muke orang tu dengan bergaye. aku pun xsuke MU, xde pon aku kutuk2 lebey2. sedey taw I.. *wat gaye gedik nages tersipu2.
xde la sdey mane pon, kutuk la korang slagi boley. aku xluak ape pon, luak kesabaran jek.
* turn presentation aku xsampai lagi nih. haishhhhh...
i have a picture to show yooouu. but not gonna e-mail yoou. boley? haha. kalo Joe Cole pindah team, ko convert team x? hahaha
what pix??what what???
showwwwwwww meeeeeeeee!!
haha kalo joe cole convert team, ak convert r skali, tp chelsea tetap di hati.ak taw dy xkn leave chels punye. sape plak nk beli dy bahaha
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