Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recycling is fun;

Hye beautiful people! old and young, good and bad.

Okay, ramai yang tak sedar about the importance of recycling. Or kite taw tapi sangat malas nak buat. Aku rase, first reason, kerajaan tak sediakan tong-tong recycle tu kat kawasan kejiranan. Ni aku tak paham betul la. Da sangat taw da yang rakyat Malaysia ni memang pemalas, kuar la balanje lebih sikit nak buat tong tong tu kan. Tapi yelah, dorang pon taw buat ape nak membazir sebab da terang2 rakyat Malaysia ni bukan reti bace. Da kat situ tulis utk kaca, botol pastik tapi dorang buang plastic ice cream. So, kalo kite taw kat mane ade kilang for recycling things ni, kite boleh hantar sane kan?

And i think, we should start do it like people kat overseas. Shopping pakai beg kertas. Or bring your own bags. Sume pon belajar sains so sume pon taw kisah non-biodegradable plastics so xpayah nak cerite panjang. Well, we all know that the world is going to an end, and we won't live for long so why make it worse? Save our planet, for the better future. Our future at least. Stop throwing rubbish everywhere at least. So sampah tu takkan terbang masuk dalam longkang, tersumbat and boley menyebabkan hakisan tanah, and floods, and what so ever for any other natural disasters.

Sorry kalau membebel panjang sebab aku pon tak berusaha sangat pon nk recycle ni. buang jek dalam separate plastics, tapi last last masuk tong sampah jugak. But at least aku tak suke tabiat buang sampah merata. SO..

Come on great people! WE, have a power to change.

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