Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 14, 2009

can't think about one right now

weather~ stroke my heart is sweet.
stroke my cheek.oww u juz don't get it

okeh.people could be sooo annoying sometimes.
same with me.
we're acting a lil bit too much sometimes.
the sweets,the nice,the adoreable,the jerks, the fakes,
the helpful,the intelligent..bla bla bla
there must be something good or bad inside of them
we heard about this everyday,
no one is perfect.so am i.
no matter how much i hate u..*urgh.seyesly hate u.
but i think people deserve forgiveness.
so am i
so..im sorry for everything that i've done
life is full of drama.n stories.
*bil loves this one.drama.
babbling like an idiot
ill stop now

i miss gossip girl

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