Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

here it comes

weather~ butterfly.lots of butterflies.in my stomach

a friend called and told me that result is out tomorrow.
i was shocked
freaking nervous
i felt like my blood was running through my face
and end up at my eyes
this cant be good
and blamed him coz he told me bout this
to be honest that was the last thing i wanted to hear in my life
err...at least for now
but then i calmed myself, thinked positive and it was okay
thanx to a friend actually for being sooo concern
thanx so much
we're barely known each other but then still
ok thanx.
well, it's not like your life will be completely over
if you sux in that
and now im here
and axie told me that result is comin' out tomorrow
like AGAIN
what a pleasant huh??
and this time believe me when i say
it makes me sick and nautious!
but thanx guys
you are the best
keep praying everybody
never underestimate the power of prayers
GOD bless' us.


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