Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, July 29, 2011

i'm too proud to lose;

i'm currently working at RONA RONA COLLECTION. You guys GO visit!!

I tell you i'm dying to shop here IF i have a baby.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

I love you, sayang.

I think i wanna marry you.

Officially 22;

Today, i'm 22 and 2-day-old. I'm thankful for all the good and bad things that have happened to me all this while. I'm so touched and moved by all the great wishes and sincere prayers that people around me been giving me. I have lots of amazing friends and beautiful people and sometimes, to be honest i don't even know what did i do to deserve friends like them, what did i have to give them back.

I'm hoping that i'd grow to be a person i'm longing to be, to change, to be blessed, and to do the right thing. It's all i'm asking. I have made so many mistakes in my life and i don't want to end up regretting what i did and crying and cursing and all that.

Thank you ALLAH for the opportunities that you've been giving me and please, don't let me go astray once you showed me the light.

I 'm proud to be a Muslim.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It looks sooo cute it makes me screaming out loud AHHHHHH. I WANT THIS! I WANT THIS!! and just shut your stinking mouth up babayyh. Olriteee.

i never have tasted macaroons before. Wahhh..sure it tastes as good as it looks. Does it taste like chipsmore? *freaking don't have an idea.

this is emmm coconut macaroon. I guess?

Meatball at IKEA. I had it first time like what..2 months ago i guess and it's incredibly delicious youoolllsss. Sangat teruja. And i think it's super unique when they put that strawberry jam instead of ketchup. or whatseover sos kan.

Huhu...nak makan lagi. 5 meatballs RM5. You do the count.

For some reason, these pictures giving me goosebumps, and i don't know why the heck on earth should i feel that.

Song Hye Kyo is one of the Top 10 most beautiful people in my list. Who cares about MUAH whatsoever list right yeah i know.

I care. HAHAH.

Ayun Ayunar;

Takde motif. Saje suke tengok gamba dia. Sangat lawa. It's normal for ladies to fall for beautiful things.

Because we ARE beautiful BABAYHH!

Every woman is looking wonderful wearing something like this. YOU! out there should try some. Sometimes :)

(credit to kataartis.com . saya curik gambar ye. Terima kasih. Jangan tak halalkan pulak :) )

When clouds turned grey;

The very reason why i didn't put that little box column for followers, is because i'm afraid that maybe i don't have any.

But now i realized one thing, one vital thing that people tend to forget. It's not about what they think, it's about what you feel about it. You're choosing your very own words and you expressed it the way you want. You don't have to write something when you don't mean it, and blabbing about just things people like to hear. Because you should not living your life trying to please others.

Tho i found it true, but we often do it. Do THAT. Please others. Mostly because we are nice, or we're afraid of the fact that we might losing them, end up we're going to be alone.

It's funny because you'll never be alone. Never. If you dig deeper, you know you'll always have someone.


Hana Tajima Simpson;

Assalamualaikum, folks. I hope you guys are having fun right now because my life is completely far from at least, good.

As you can see, pictures i've posted above, is a beautiful modern yet modest woman, Hana Tajima Simpson. And i must say this, she is a truly inspiring person. As shawl phenomenon is spreading around the world and haunted our young girls today, i know she's one those who inspires people. Good job baby.

Despite that gorgeous face of yours, i really looked up to you. If i could ask one thing from you, could you give me one copy each of your shawls? Hehe i'd take that as yes. Thank you.


p/s pakai shawl macam macam jenis mcm 2 cara pon still lawa. pelik aku.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Letters to Juliet;

My cousin is married now. Last Friday was the day that she couldn't look back to her past and would never be virgin again. Owh, what am i saying. Is it allowed? No, what i really meant is, she is now getting into another magical life. Man, i use many 'magical' word nowadays. It's everywhere.

Along nonie, or Aini Razali, you're now officially an adult. Have a happy wonderful married life sayang. May you and abang Man will stick together until the end of time. Insya Allah. And you had a blissful ceremony eyp? I want to plan my wedding like yours too i guess.

Okay, as usual, i'll post the greatest picture of her. Erk, no pressure eit? Orait! Off to Shah Alam now for beautiful short course.

I hate the word beautiful for that.

Baby V;

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Exam's over. Im so relieved. There's nothing more than hoping for the best. Everyone knows exam weeks are so tiring, and freaking stressful. Like, dead stressful. I remember i took 6 papers last semester and it was the greatest of dreadful moments OF MUAH LIFE. I seriously telling you that i almost wanted to throw up when i was taking my last paper. Just by looking at the paper. Thank God i didn't repeat that Static. My lecturer was a saviour. Great one :D

But now, something came up. I dropped one subject early this semester because i wanted to look after my pointer. But that doesn't go quite well. It said that i didn't have any courses registered and now i'm pissed off. Hell-looo! Computers do make mistakes ok? I really hope i could do this upcoming intersession or else, i am so dead. My other friends that still sitting for papers, GOOD LUCK guys.

Have a happy-wonderfully magical holiday everyone. See you another 4 months. If we're still alive.
Insya ALLAH.

I'd Lie;

Yes I could tell you
His favorite color's green
He likes to argue
Oh, and it kills me
His sister's beautiful
He has his father's eyes
And if you ask me if I love him...
If you ask me if I love him...
I'd lie

Sunday, May 1, 2011

P.S ;


Taylor Swift;

I'm a huge fan. Seriously. All her songs are magical. The lyrics are so meaningful.

She is a goddess of writing songs. Because i gave goddess of voices to Siti Nurhaliza.

Go Swift!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Not a beautiful day;

I feel down. Owh Im sorry. That's so rude of me.
Hey folks! Beautiful bloggers.

Okay. I had my first paper. It's quite tough and i didn't have enough time. It's so frustrating. I left out 1 simple question which collects like 8 marks? Yes you may think that it's not that big, but it is to me. I should really know the techniques of answering exams' question. I should have focused on my next paper, since the subject is my repeating subject *embarrassing , but you know, i feel terrible about it.

I should really pray now. You know, when you feel down, you know you're not alone. What happened must had been written. God plans the best for you.

Okay i told you my mood and now i'm giving out the solution. That must be God's signs.

The goddess of voices;

It touches millions of people's hearts.

I guess that would be Siti Nurhaliza Tarudin. I'm a hard fan okay. And i'm not ashamed of myself.

Through fire and flames;

:) I hope one day i will meet her. I want to sing in front of her just like David Archuleta did with Kelly Clarkson. Bigggg dream. Biggg talk.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

We fight. That's what we do. Yet we still love each other.

That's absolutely what we must do.

Sape tak suke makan dia gila;


Went to Pasar Karat Shah Alam. Finally i got my sata. Dah 18 taun kot mengidam. Siap g Terengganu cari tapi last last jumpa kat tempat yang sekangkang jauh ni gak. Sangat puas hati sudey. Petang nak study so sekarang kene tido. Islam pon sunatkan tido before zohor kan.

So, sume orang moh le kite tido sekarang.

Owh, there was like thousands of people there. Because, there were thousands of shoes, shawls, bags, kain kain makcik, cds, barang rumah, clothes, jeans, and foods. Seriously, heaven untuk orang yang suke sangat nk menurunkan berat badan jalan pusing pasar yg super besa tu. Berkilat muka I. Siap ade expo ketenteraan lagi. Tak paham. Kawad bawah panas, tringat time sekolah. Sungguh bersyukur ye zaman tu da berlalu. Poyo. Okbai.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Recycling is fun;

Hye beautiful people! old and young, good and bad.

Okay, ramai yang tak sedar about the importance of recycling. Or kite taw tapi sangat malas nak buat. Aku rase, first reason, kerajaan tak sediakan tong-tong recycle tu kat kawasan kejiranan. Ni aku tak paham betul la. Da sangat taw da yang rakyat Malaysia ni memang pemalas, kuar la balanje lebih sikit nak buat tong tong tu kan. Tapi yelah, dorang pon taw buat ape nak membazir sebab da terang2 rakyat Malaysia ni bukan reti bace. Da kat situ tulis utk kaca, botol pastik tapi dorang buang plastic ice cream. So, kalo kite taw kat mane ade kilang for recycling things ni, kite boleh hantar sane kan?

And i think, we should start do it like people kat overseas. Shopping pakai beg kertas. Or bring your own bags. Sume pon belajar sains so sume pon taw kisah non-biodegradable plastics so xpayah nak cerite panjang. Well, we all know that the world is going to an end, and we won't live for long so why make it worse? Save our planet, for the better future. Our future at least. Stop throwing rubbish everywhere at least. So sampah tu takkan terbang masuk dalam longkang, tersumbat and boley menyebabkan hakisan tanah, and floods, and what so ever for any other natural disasters.

Sorry kalau membebel panjang sebab aku pon tak berusaha sangat pon nk recycle ni. buang jek dalam separate plastics, tapi last last masuk tong sampah jugak. But at least aku tak suke tabiat buang sampah merata. SO..

Come on great people! WE, have a power to change.

baby, i da jumpe dress yang u nak beli untuk i. Goodluck cari ;)

And she has a good heart;

Angelina Jolie found time in her extremely hectic schedule to visit Pakistan and draw global attention to the national disaster.

She is one incredible goddess.


I should really learn how to swim now.

I only have eyes for you;

Just sing it in front of me, it's fine :)

I want to have babies;

on http://prettyboytakeoff.tumblr.com/page/3


She is my sister. Sometimes, she could be SO annoying. She's 9 yet acts like 6. I love her. So much.

Eat a lot, sweetie. For God's sake you're 15 kg.

Hilary D;


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fasha S;

Fasha Sandha is such a great actress. She might be something, but i love watching her on TV. We have a right to not like her, but we should NOT judge them.

Sangat beruntung ade muke cantik, even tak suke, still suke tengok muke. Ha camno tu.

Indah betul la ciptaan Allah.

Hukum potong kuku dan rambut semasa haid

heyy you bloggers.

Alright, all this times i had some kind of doubt about something. So i googled and then i found this. Because people are always having doubts but they didn't want to do something about that. At least, there are people out there whom care and i want to be one of those. Obviously, aku baru nak ambil tau sekarang. Owh tidak mengape. Jom, sharing is caring.


Hukum memandikan atau membasuh rambut yang sengaja dipotong sewaktu haid atau kuku yang sengaja dipotong ketika haid. Perlukah kita membasuhnya saat mandi wajib atau membiarkan begitu saja tanpa membasuhnya ?

Kewajiban dalam mandi adalah membasuh seluruh anggota badan, termasuk rambut dan kuku. Akan tetapi, rambut atau kuku yang talah terpotong tidak lagi termasuk anggota badan, maka tidak wajib membasuhnya. Artinya, tanpa membasuhnya, mandi seseorang telah dianggap cukup.

Imam 'Atha' sebagaimana diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari, mengatakan: seorang yang junub diperbolehkan mencukur rambut dan memotong kuku. Hanya saja, menurut Imam al-Ghazali [dalam Ihya' Ulumuddin], seorang yang junub sebaiknya tidak memotong rambut dan kuku, bahkan dimohon untuk tidak mengeluarkan darah.

Alasannya, karena setiap anggota tubuh akan dikembalikan seperti semula pada hari kiamat nanti. Dikatakan, setiap rambut akan menuntut atas janabatnya. Pendapat Imam Ghazali ini banyak dilansir oleh kitab-kitab Madzhab, dan banyak diajarkan di kalangan penganut Madzhab Syafiiyah di Indonesia.

Walau sebenarnya terdapat catatan kritis dalam mengutip pendapat al-Ghazali ini, pengaruhnya masih sangat kuat.

Di beberapa kalangan masyarakat, wanita yang haidh biasanya menyimpan rambut atau kuku yang terpotong untuk dibasuh saat mandi nanti.

Catatan kritis tsb adalah bahwa tidak semua anggota badan akan dikembalikan seperti asalnya pada hari kiamat nanti. Darah, rambut dan kuku adalah diantaranya.

Kalau rambut dan kuku yang terpotong akan dikembalikan lagi seperti semula, maka pada hari kiamat nanti manusia akan berambut sangat panjang.


(aku suka ayat writer yg last tu. betul jugak kan. )

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

7 years;

Just wanna share, Tom Fletcher from my favourite bad ever, the epic band, McFly. IS getting married. How beautiful.

Giovanna is one lucky girl, Tom.


The start of something new sometimes is harder than you think. To change something common in your life, to be the person that you longing to be, is challenging. There's times you just wanna quit, when you see how easier your life might be if you just stay like the person, you once was. But then, you are not alone, you have your guidance, you have your weapons, you have your prayers.

And you should know where those will lead you.

live like there's no tomorrow;

Believe in what we feel inside, Believe and it will never die


assalamualaikum bloggers...

Hye folks! how are you? Woww..its been ages right..I know. I haven't wrote anything about my life in Uitm Shah Alam, means it's almost a year now i didn't write in here. So, in my second semester now. Life gets better :) and thanks to Allah for everything.

I met new friends. Bayyin Afiqah. She is so funny, and calm. Trust me she LIKES hacking people's phone. But i never got angry with her sebab dia memang sangat macam tu ye. She's a year younger but then feels like dia lagi matang dari saye. Funny fact about this girl : you know some people from Sarawak or Sabah kan, they have some slang kan. HAHA aku ketawa already. Well she's got one. Don't misunderstood it's a cute one. I like it and my girlfriends and I love teasing her because of that. I should really record it and post it here. like, 'home' but then she says it like, 'hoomee' . Ahhh not working. So, i hope one day Bay will got into some kind of reality shows so then kita semua boley gelakkan dia ramai ramai. I should really posting her photos here. Okay will do.

tengok muka pon da tau macam sengal kan ?

moto hidup : takkan hilang eye liner dipakai. bawak tido siap.


Monday, April 18, 2011


Nak tahu dimana Kecantikan Lelaki??

Inilah Ciri-Cirinya….

1) Lelaki yang mampu mengalirkan air mata untuk ingatan.

2) Lelaki yang sedia menerima segala teguran.

3) Lelaki yang memberi madu, setelah menerima racun.

4) Lelaki yang tenang dan lapang dada.

5) Lelaki yang sentiasa berbaik sangka.

6) Lelaki yang tak pernah putus asa.

Kecantikan lelaki berdiri di atas kemuliaan hati. Seluruh kecantikan yang ada pada Nabi Muhammad adalah kecantikan yang sempurna seorang lelaki…

Dan dimana Kegagahan Wanita?

Kegagahan seorang wanita bukan kepada pejal otot badan, tetapi pada kekuatan perasaan.

Ciri-Ciri Wanita yang gagah adalah…

1) Perempuan yang tahan menerima sebuah kehilangan.

2) Perempuan yang tidak takut pada kemiskinan.

3) Perempuan yang tabah menanggung kerinduan setelah ditinggalkan.

4) Perempuan yang tidak meminta-minta agar di penuhi segala keinginan.

Kegagahan perempuan berdiri di atas teguh iman. Seluruh kegagahan yang ada pada Khadijah adalah kegagahan sempurna bagi seorang perempuan.

Sabda Rasulullah SAW:

“Sebarkanlah ajaranku walaupun satu ayat ”

Surah Al-Ahzab : Ayat 71

“Nescaya Allah memperbaiki bagimu amalan-amalanmu dan mengampuni bagimu dosa-dosamu. Dan barangsiapa mentaati Allah dan Rasul-Nya, maka sesungguhnya ia telah mendapat kemenangan yang besar.”

Friday, January 21, 2011

you are impossible;

Why on earth would you do that, delicious? mustard? pita? meat?town?
i'm giving a hint here.

I guess that's what people do, huh?
okay, keep your grudge. All you want. But me..

I'm not a child.