100. wats ur profile song and why?
+ em..which one? your love is a lie..it's a gud song.
+ nope..im still studying..~
+ izza
+ indeed,..yup.
+ no kot..trying to avoid that.
+ keyboard, juz 4 fun..guitar..still learning..
+ pkns bangi..g dinner w family
+ xde pe pom..
+ when i knew it's stupid..but still do it.
+ someone rich, hepi..and be grateful..beriman..
90.2nd name?
+ azizah... i know. x klasik gler lak kn??..
+ brunette.. heh~~of coz la blackeyy~~
+ yup..and i love them coz i know they r always be there for me.
+ in my comp space.
+ as usual.. shopping!!~hang out ngan family, friends..
+ yeah..cleaning house like dead. pnat gler kot.
+ of coz..hepi without reason..awkward~~
+ nobody. i'll call my sis now.
+ living room..tdo da~~
+ nope for now..someday..
+ nabiha~~sayang awk!!
+ pendrive..
+ naaa...dlu ade la..time kcik2..
+ doc said i have great teeth..yes!!
+ that's my recording studio. save bajet~~
+ then..hamster..skang xde da..
+ kanye west - through the wire.
+ black long sleeve
+ pipa~~
+ hoh~~24/7.
+ country kot~~screamo cne lak..??
+ both are good to me..~~
+ cikin yg cun~~
+ xde...i'll wear 'bulat2' bracelet kalo nk hang out.
+ maybe..if it's worth it.
+ haha..learn nothing.
+ nope..~~im really a gud mamalian.
+ nothing..
+ chipsmore. more chips, more life..~~heh..
46. LUNCH?
+ chipsmore lgik~~huhu~~
45. Dinner?
+ em..sdap..ikan siakap, tom yam..em..byk la..kan td pose..
+ can't kot..hate the fact!
+ paris hilton. the heiress eh??ntah pe ntah..but it smells really gud!!well done paris. gud job!!
+ united states.
+ jeans..~~
+ skipping 300x. but i want to skip that routine..pnt lor..~~
+ yeah..may-be~
+ nope..last pakai time sek agaknye..heh,..
+ not yet..but i want to..
+ yeah..but it's not sick..it was tiredness!!
26. DO YOU LIKE friendster.?
+ yeah!!my whole friends are there.
+ 10
+ supernatural. csi (new york esp). hannah montana. las vegas. america's next top model. too much.~~
+ not so..
+ hehe~~when it comes to dance..probably yup!
+ pop..jazz.punk rock.. cool~~
+ i will...
+ i can if i want. but im not crazy!!
+ kinda ..
+ kalo holiday..everytime besh..
+ spiderman 3 blom lgik! adoh!!ble lak nk tgk.
+ him..in ur heart.
+ family..friends..but if u mean my love 'one'..em..not gonna tell ya.
+ don't need a reason.
+ boleybla.
and i knew you were different from the way i caved;
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
people say love is like magic..but isn't magic just an illusion??
em..thats make sense..
there's a lot of girls that's afraid to get involve with the 'love story'..
biasela kn..kne tipu..was hurting by the 'man'..and 1 girl said that..she so scared to get close to anyone bcoz everyone that ever said 'i'll be there'..left.
this is what we called..trust..kalo pk kan blik..mmg ssh nk cye org skang..
konon2 bek jewk..tp hampeh..we're always play true or dare. it's fun. one girl said..
'let's play true or dare'..than the other one said..'or should we just play dare..coz nobody's tell the truth anyway'. thats make sense too....~~
they were hurting by somebody la tue..of coz la kan..everyday we do the same thing. today,tomorrow..and forever..we'll do these 3 things..get up, survive, sleep.
even to get up is hurting. bcoz while we're sleeping..we dreamed. it doesn't hurt to dream..but it hurts more to wake up. we love..and we lost.
it's too late when we're realize that there's nothing we can do..we trapped in this thing called 'life'. we must keep playing and acting to keep alive. it's really hurt.
and of coz la..ble sdey..mst ade rse marah..anger..hate..somebody tells to go to 'anger management class'..but to be there is already pissed me off. what is rose represent love..?when the rose is also die??ntah pape..~~
people with broken hearted mmg emo..they told me bout the 'ntah pape' things..but when i think back..it's all make sense..it's there but we never see it.
the most broken-hearted factors=
3)people and environment
we love him..he's all the magical that we wished for..but he's all we can't get..
u like him..then it feels like u want to kill urself when he just said that 'owh..we're just friends..' at his friends..drpd bunuh diri bek ko bunuh dier.
than..family..it's basically from the parents..and d anger flows to their child. so un-fair!! and the people who likes to discriminate. u're cruel if u judge people from their face and background. take them as what they are..like hel-lo! real people dun need labels!! konon pkai mahal2 bdak bek la..mmg ade pon..cm kwn ak~~wheee~~
tp ade bdak yg ak knal ni..xla kaye mne pon..blagak je lbey. seyes cm nk blasah je mke dier tue. xpon..curi duit dier, bli kopi kt starbucks tue..msokn dlm baju dier..
tp curi xbgusla plak..starbucks plak tue..mahal.
haa..xpon pinjam baju dier..xyah pulang2..kate kaye..bli jela baru..hoho.
so..itu jela ak nk tulis..yg bek tu..renung2kan la..
yg xbek tue..xyah r ikut.
tp ak ske idea kopi starbucks ak tu..hehe..bley dipertimbangkan~~tgu la nt!..
blagak ngan ak~~
em..thats make sense..
there's a lot of girls that's afraid to get involve with the 'love story'..
biasela kn..kne tipu..was hurting by the 'man'..and 1 girl said that..she so scared to get close to anyone bcoz everyone that ever said 'i'll be there'..left.
this is what we called..trust..kalo pk kan blik..mmg ssh nk cye org skang..
konon2 bek jewk..tp hampeh..we're always play true or dare. it's fun. one girl said..
'let's play true or dare'..than the other one said..'or should we just play dare..coz nobody's tell the truth anyway'. thats make sense too....~~
they were hurting by somebody la tue..of coz la kan..everyday we do the same thing. today,tomorrow..and forever..we'll do these 3 things..get up, survive, sleep.
even to get up is hurting. bcoz while we're sleeping..we dreamed. it doesn't hurt to dream..but it hurts more to wake up. we love..and we lost.
it's too late when we're realize that there's nothing we can do..we trapped in this thing called 'life'. we must keep playing and acting to keep alive. it's really hurt.
and of coz la..ble sdey..mst ade rse marah..anger..hate..somebody tells to go to 'anger management class'..but to be there is already pissed me off. what is rose represent love..?when the rose is also die??ntah pape..~~
people with broken hearted mmg emo..they told me bout the 'ntah pape' things..but when i think back..it's all make sense..it's there but we never see it.
the most broken-hearted factors=
3)people and environment
we love him..he's all the magical that we wished for..but he's all we can't get..
u like him..then it feels like u want to kill urself when he just said that 'owh..we're just friends..' at his friends..drpd bunuh diri bek ko bunuh dier.
than..family..it's basically from the parents..and d anger flows to their child. so un-fair!! and the people who likes to discriminate. u're cruel if u judge people from their face and background. take them as what they are..like hel-lo! real people dun need labels!! konon pkai mahal2 bdak bek la..mmg ade pon..cm kwn ak~~wheee~~
tp ade bdak yg ak knal ni..xla kaye mne pon..blagak je lbey. seyes cm nk blasah je mke dier tue. xpon..curi duit dier, bli kopi kt starbucks tue..msokn dlm baju dier..
tp curi xbgusla plak..starbucks plak tue..mahal.
haa..xpon pinjam baju dier..xyah pulang2..kate kaye..bli jela baru..hoho.
so..itu jela ak nk tulis..yg bek tu..renung2kan la..
yg xbek tue..xyah r ikut.
tp ak ske idea kopi starbucks ak tu..hehe..bley dipertimbangkan~~tgu la nt!..
blagak ngan ak~~
thaN wHat?
em..in this life kan..kalo ak pk..it's been 19 years already ak idup and act i dun know pon what will i do in future.tau tu mmg la tau..but in detail..
it never comes to my ind til i write this. ade la planning..mcm..what's my aim now..what will i do next..further study 4 degree..than?myb i'll finished my degree by 25..than what~~yeah..ak nk kawen..ye eleh..c'mon la..tipu la kalo korg ckp korg xpna terpkir..sme nk kawen..i want to get married (insya ALLAH, if i meet the rite guy)
at 26..ok la tue..da kire lmbat la tue..kalo ikutkan..nenek ak dulu kawen umo 14..em..ptotnye ...19-14 bpe??5 taun lpas da kawen..hehe..kurg2 pun..3 anak lpas kot~~wa~~joking2..~~
than what??what will i do..ok..working..but i do think it's not impossible for us..i mean..'girl' or 'woman' to be an engineer..but it's hard..lg2 civil..u'll go to d site..transfer to one place after one..ntah mne2 ulu dier antar..it's ok if im single..but if i hv a family?than what? it's not that my husband want to follow me everywhere...kan??
em..so..give a deep thoght about this..or just follow with t flow..
u choose how to make ur life~~
it never comes to my ind til i write this. ade la planning..mcm..what's my aim now..what will i do next..further study 4 degree..than?myb i'll finished my degree by 25..than what~~yeah..ak nk kawen..ye eleh..c'mon la..tipu la kalo korg ckp korg xpna terpkir..sme nk kawen..i want to get married (insya ALLAH, if i meet the rite guy)
at 26..ok la tue..da kire lmbat la tue..kalo ikutkan..nenek ak dulu kawen umo 14..em..ptotnye ...19-14 bpe??5 taun lpas da kawen..hehe..kurg2 pun..3 anak lpas kot~~wa~~joking2..~~
than what??what will i do..ok..working..but i do think it's not impossible for us..i mean..'girl' or 'woman' to be an engineer..but it's hard..lg2 civil..u'll go to d site..transfer to one place after one..ntah mne2 ulu dier antar..it's ok if im single..but if i hv a family?than what? it's not that my husband want to follow me everywhere...kan??
em..so..give a deep thoght about this..or just follow with t flow..
u choose how to make ur life~~
b for boring~~
em..today ak g my mom's office..act i hv an appointment ngan dentist..
but unfortunately bley plak doc tu ckp today appointment is cancel.
byk cntik muke dier..
penat ak bgun pg. i didnt hv enough rest,(sleep la tue.ak kn tdo 15 jam sehari)
it's ok since i thought that i can sleep at my mom's place but tetbe ade rules ckp 'can't sleep in this area'..mak ak la yg buat cter bohong tue..she made it up. i know!!
sdey nye..with my broken heart nk tdo tp xley tue..i just g pusing2 merentas desa around oum tue smpai muntah~
*muntah tu is just a joke kay.
than im tired and i found a place where i thought that i can sleep. yeah..i could but there's thousand of people will laugh at me..maybe...so..ak just layan blues and im waiting to get into d hospital by the sickening boring.
lucky im strong and the time for lunch is d time that i've witing for..
go to the mall..mkn..jln2... embarrassed myself..(it better if i don't mention it)
and buy me a 'life'! i guess u know what's that could be~~
he~~thanx 4 understanding~~
and now i dunno what to write..1 more week and i will be gone..da start sem bru kn..
mls sgt nk blik..penat la blaja..korg xrase cm nk brenti ke??hoho..
em...ak mmg la xske..tp ak xnk brenti..em..xyah brenti la yek..xdela trok mne pon..
atleast ble pk kn besties ak..
ak semangat la..it might be fun..if u're not alone..~~
but unfortunately bley plak doc tu ckp today appointment is cancel.
byk cntik muke dier..
penat ak bgun pg. i didnt hv enough rest,(sleep la tue.ak kn tdo 15 jam sehari)
it's ok since i thought that i can sleep at my mom's place but tetbe ade rules ckp 'can't sleep in this area'..mak ak la yg buat cter bohong tue..she made it up. i know!!
sdey nye..with my broken heart nk tdo tp xley tue..i just g pusing2 merentas desa around oum tue smpai muntah~
*muntah tu is just a joke kay.
than im tired and i found a place where i thought that i can sleep. yeah..i could but there's thousand of people will laugh at me..maybe...so..ak just layan blues and im waiting to get into d hospital by the sickening boring.
lucky im strong and the time for lunch is d time that i've witing for..
go to the mall..mkn..jln2... embarrassed myself..(it better if i don't mention it)
and buy me a 'life'! i guess u know what's that could be~~
he~~thanx 4 understanding~~
and now i dunno what to write..1 more week and i will be gone..da start sem bru kn..
mls sgt nk blik..penat la blaja..korg xrase cm nk brenti ke??hoho..
em...ak mmg la xske..tp ak xnk brenti..em..xyah brenti la yek..xdela trok mne pon..
atleast ble pk kn besties ak..
ak semangat la..it might be fun..if u're not alone..~~
Sunday, June 15, 2008
today i went shopping with my family... without my dad coz he's not here..
best~~as usual..i bought new pair of clothes..huhu~~sweet~~ (mst cikin ngan pipa buat muke nyampah skang~~ak xbli bju belang2 r!~
and while im on my crazy punye shopping, my mum, and both of my sis g la nek bot ke kapal ke..ntah ak pon xtau mende ape yg jejln tp tasik tu..huh..i know~~boringgg!!~~
ak ngan my bro pown gla shopping and berdua..btol la acha septriasa tu ckp 'berdua lebih baik'..sng sket..
rmai2 sgt pening kpale aku..i juz can't stand dgn hasanah pnye kerenah tue~~
so bez la tgk my bro ni g bli bju yg ade la semenggah sket..ade la rupe baek sket..
im sick with all his jerseys kt umah tu..smpai g wedding owg pon pkai jersey..apahal...~~
em..he made a good choice..i mean the clothes..suite him~~
and other than that..xde pe yg bes pon..
wahhh..~it feels gud dpt jejln cmni..~
k la..tataw nk tulis pe da..
today i went shopping with my family... without my dad coz he's not here..
best~~as usual..i bought new pair of clothes..huhu~~sweet~~ (mst cikin ngan pipa buat muke nyampah skang~~ak xbli bju belang2 r!~
and while im on my crazy punye shopping, my mum, and both of my sis g la nek bot ke kapal ke..ntah ak pon xtau mende ape yg jejln tp tasik tu..huh..i know~~boringgg!!~~
ak ngan my bro pown gla shopping and berdua..btol la acha septriasa tu ckp 'berdua lebih baik'..sng sket..
rmai2 sgt pening kpale aku..i juz can't stand dgn hasanah pnye kerenah tue~~
so bez la tgk my bro ni g bli bju yg ade la semenggah sket..ade la rupe baek sket..
im sick with all his jerseys kt umah tu..smpai g wedding owg pon pkai jersey..apahal...~~
em..he made a good choice..i mean the clothes..suite him~~
and other than that..xde pe yg bes pon..
wahhh..~it feels gud dpt jejln cmni..~
k la..tataw nk tulis pe da..
Friday, June 13, 2008
THINK BACK TO 4th and 5th year of highschool.
Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret...
1. What section were you?
~ technical science
2. Who were your seatmates?
~ nabiha..n can't forget one...nabil..
3. Still remember your english teacher?
~ yeah..miss kathleen rox!!
4. What was your first class?
~ 4 technical 2 = besh gler!!
5. Who was your first love then?
~ heh..i think it's crushing..not love..but still,he's my first pair..
6. Made friends to the lower years?
~ yes!a lot!!~~
7. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
~ always asked me this. don't be bossy dummy!!
8. How was your class schedule?
~ quite ok..ops!tu kat u. kat skool pack nk mamfus kot~~tp xpe, prep ade..bley tdo=]
9. Made any enemies?
~ so far...~~xde..saye boodak baek.
10. Who was your favorite teacher?
~ em..sumer pun best..ckgu samad best~sbb kalo tdo dier xksh~ ckgu majid ajar best..tp asyik kene blasah buat kt whiteboard jela..
11. What sport did you play?
~ im athletic..(kunun laa..)
12. Did you buy your lunch?
~ no..mkn free je kot..lunch sabtu sdap..nasi ayam!!~
13. Were you a party animal?
~ are u accusing me??!!no!
14. Were you well known in your school?
~ eheh..kalo ckap, kang ckp ak riak plak..~
~ nope..im a role model!!yuxx!~~
16. Did you get suspended/expelled?
~ huh..nope~
17. Can you sing the School song?
~ yeah..alamak..lupe sudey~~ somebody plez give me the first sentence.!!
18. What was your favorite subject?
~ add math..mencabar mental n fizikal, rohani dan jasmani ak..
19. What was your school's full name?
~ science johore school, kluang.
20. Did you go to the dances?
~ im dying to...!!!!~tp sek ak agak alim laa..perform tok ceremony ade la..
21. Where did you go most often during breaks?
~ canteen...
22. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
~ yeah..being in school is the best-sweet-damn-memories..for me..
23. What do you remember most about 4th year?
~ i made a captain for my blue-team-house.
24. Worst memory in 4th year?
~ nothing..i enjoyed every moment of it.
Let's see how much you remember and how much you regret...
1. What section were you?
~ technical science
2. Who were your seatmates?
~ nabiha..n can't forget one...nabil..
3. Still remember your english teacher?
~ yeah..miss kathleen rox!!
4. What was your first class?
~ 4 technical 2 = besh gler!!
5. Who was your first love then?
~ heh..i think it's crushing..not love..but still,he's my first pair..
6. Made friends to the lower years?
~ yes!a lot!!~~
7. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
~ always asked me this. don't be bossy dummy!!
8. How was your class schedule?
~ quite ok..ops!tu kat u. kat skool pack nk mamfus kot~~tp xpe, prep ade..bley tdo=]
9. Made any enemies?
~ so far...~~xde..saye boodak baek.
10. Who was your favorite teacher?
~ em..sumer pun best..ckgu samad best~sbb kalo tdo dier xksh~ ckgu majid ajar best..tp asyik kene blasah buat kt whiteboard jela..
11. What sport did you play?
~ im athletic..(kunun laa..)
12. Did you buy your lunch?
~ no..mkn free je kot..lunch sabtu sdap..nasi ayam!!~
13. Were you a party animal?
~ are u accusing me??!!no!
14. Were you well known in your school?
~ eheh..kalo ckap, kang ckp ak riak plak..~
~ nope..im a role model!!yuxx!~~
16. Did you get suspended/expelled?
~ huh..nope~
17. Can you sing the School song?
~ yeah..alamak..lupe sudey~~ somebody plez give me the first sentence.!!
18. What was your favorite subject?
~ add math..mencabar mental n fizikal, rohani dan jasmani ak..
19. What was your school's full name?
~ science johore school, kluang.
20. Did you go to the dances?
~ im dying to...!!!!~tp sek ak agak alim laa..perform tok ceremony ade la..
21. Where did you go most often during breaks?
~ canteen...
22. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
~ yeah..being in school is the best-sweet-damn-memories..for me..
23. What do you remember most about 4th year?
~ i made a captain for my blue-team-house.
24. Worst memory in 4th year?
~ nothing..i enjoyed every moment of it.
em..today im a bit restless..coz i stayed up too late last nite..i finished my work and didn't noticed that it was 5.10 am already, then i just waited till dawn and solat skali~~ and i feel like i want to kill somebody this morning when my sis woke me up and wanted me to go to her school and sign a REPORT CARD???!!! what the fish?!!
it's just 10 a.m and she can asked me that?~!! get a life. i want to sleep.
peh..gua rase cam nak nages pun ade gak..ek??nages xseswai r..cam nak $@#$%@#. bukan mencarut..tp rse cm nk wat mende yg ak pon xtau pe yg ak akn wat. bkn dier tataw..ak mls nk mandi. bkn xske mandi..sukeeeeeee...
tp adoi..bangun2 da nk kne siap2.. kne bli breakfast dlu..dgn the crowded yg da berduyun2 dtg nk memeriahkn majlis..~~walhal dtg nk mkn jewk..
eheh...sme la cm ak...~~
then, i met my fwens from my primary school..we lived in the same area,but it's hard to see their face tho i always jln2 everyday.
wan, kalil, fakhrul razi, ngan pajin(bungek kwn ak yg sowg ni..tp mak ak ske kt dier.. perangai cm dak tadika..~~)
they all look....so grown up!hehe..what did i expect kn...mmg la...
and nseb dowg tgur and still kenal ak..kalo x, ak sumbat kuih bengkang tue kat halkum dowg.. bwu dpt rase sket kelazatan sbenar kuih bengkang yg ak ske sgt tue,..~
heh..reang2 kawen ni mmg best la..i sit there 4 almost 2 hours la kot..had a chat with makcik2 kt neighbourhood ak ni..bkn bergosip!! berbual2 je..
getting to know each other better~~since my mum is still having a fever, so she went home early and im d one that should taking care of hasanah...and she drives me nuts!!! nakal nye..!!~~nauzubillah..mmg ak kene ngucap byk2 dlu~~fuhhhhhhhh~~
but it still ok...
1 more thing...at this time that im writing this..bru la bunyi kompang nk bsanding. KATE PUKUL 12.30!!! SKANG DA PUKUL 2.13!! hmm..xpe2..bese r tue..mne ade kawen yg punctual..aku phm..~~the foods..are marvellous owh yeah! sme majlis kawen kne wt cmtu. xdela asyik mkn mknan yg sme je..ayam goreng dier...sedapnye~~~
em..kuew teow dier pon..huh..power la chef tu masak...~~ ye r..man bride dier pon chef kot..no wonder la..~~
em..da r..want to watch dhoom 2...
it's just 10 a.m and she can asked me that?~!! get a life. i want to sleep.
peh..gua rase cam nak nages pun ade gak..ek??nages xseswai r..cam nak $@#$%@#. bukan mencarut..tp rse cm nk wat mende yg ak pon xtau pe yg ak akn wat. bkn dier tataw..ak mls nk mandi. bkn xske mandi..sukeeeeeee...
tp adoi..bangun2 da nk kne siap2.. kne bli breakfast dlu..dgn the crowded yg da berduyun2 dtg nk memeriahkn majlis..~~walhal dtg nk mkn jewk..
eheh...sme la cm ak...~~
then, i met my fwens from my primary school..we lived in the same area,but it's hard to see their face tho i always jln2 everyday.
wan, kalil, fakhrul razi, ngan pajin(bungek kwn ak yg sowg ni..tp mak ak ske kt dier.. perangai cm dak tadika..~~)
they all look....so grown up!hehe..what did i expect kn...mmg la...
and nseb dowg tgur and still kenal ak..kalo x, ak sumbat kuih bengkang tue kat halkum dowg.. bwu dpt rase sket kelazatan sbenar kuih bengkang yg ak ske sgt tue,..~
heh..reang2 kawen ni mmg best la..i sit there 4 almost 2 hours la kot..had a chat with makcik2 kt neighbourhood ak ni..bkn bergosip!! berbual2 je..
getting to know each other better~~since my mum is still having a fever, so she went home early and im d one that should taking care of hasanah...and she drives me nuts!!! nakal nye..!!~~nauzubillah..mmg ak kene ngucap byk2 dlu~~fuhhhhhhhh~~
but it still ok...
1 more thing...at this time that im writing this..bru la bunyi kompang nk bsanding. KATE PUKUL 12.30!!! SKANG DA PUKUL 2.13!! hmm..xpe2..bese r tue..mne ade kawen yg punctual..aku phm..~~the foods..are marvellous owh yeah! sme majlis kawen kne wt cmtu. xdela asyik mkn mknan yg sme je..ayam goreng dier...sedapnye~~~
em..kuew teow dier pon..huh..power la chef tu masak...~~ ye r..man bride dier pon chef kot..no wonder la..~~
em..da r..want to watch dhoom 2...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
1. Are you in a good mood right now?
+ juz fine baby~~
2. The phone rings, What do you say?
+ huh..ckp jewk xgune..angkat jek sudey~
3. Ever had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
+yeah..my bro,time kcik2..my couzin..kcik2 gak..tdo jela tp..~
4. Are you mean?
+ yeah..sometimes..ehek!~~
5. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
+ depends..act,im an expressive person..xmen la pendam2..xbgus..ckp je sudey~
6. Happiest moment of 2008 so far?
+ a lot..everyday is the best moment for me~~
7.What are you eating?
+skang xde,td ade..choc. zip..
8. Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?
+ tia!!~luv her!!
9. Who do you tell the most to?
+ my mum. everything~
10. Last time you had a sleepover?
+ em...ntah..lpe
11. Latest you stayed out in the past week?
+ last nite..tiap2 ari je pon..~~
12. Have you ever been in a car accident?
+ thanx to God~~ xde..~
13. Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
+ heh~like i care. benci r dier blik~~
14. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
+ yeah~besides my bro..zap..
15. What are you wearing?
+ hoh...~~
16. Wanting?
+ him~~
17. Do you like anyone?
+ indeed..yeah~
18. Do you remember your dreams?
+ of coz..my dream katenye..xkn la lupe..soalan biar bijak sket.
19.What do you hate?
+rite now..em taking my bath..mls nyer~~
20. Orange or apple juice?
21. Do you love someone right now?
+em..dunno la..ye la kot~`
22. Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
+ did some works in my room
23. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
+ nope..byk lgik mende len yg bley ak wat..
24. Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
25. Do you cry easily?
+ yes!!~sensitif la konon~~
26. Last time you cried?
+ last wek kot~xigt la..
27. Last text message you received?
+ bil~~~ ak g skola dlu aw..da xde mase da ni'
28.Do you enjoy life?
+ yes!!
29. Do you tend to make things complicated?
+ i didnt mean too but sumtimes it turned to be like that
30. What's on your mind right now?
+ al wafi
31. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
+ insya ALLAh..ye la kot~~
32. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
+ mare clothes and more clothes!!yeah~~~~~~~
33. Anything exciting tomorrow?
+ em..hang out kot~~yes!
34. Are you having a good day today?
+ so far..biase jek~~
35. Do you have any gay friends?
+ yeah~~=]but they're nice.
36. When do you go to sleep?
+ nnt2 la...~~
+ juz fine baby~~
2. The phone rings, What do you say?
+ huh..ckp jewk xgune..angkat jek sudey~
3. Ever had a sleepover with the opposite sex?
+yeah..my bro,time kcik2..my couzin..kcik2 gak..tdo jela tp..~
4. Are you mean?
+ yeah..sometimes..ehek!~~
5. Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
+ depends..act,im an expressive person..xmen la pendam2..xbgus..ckp je sudey~
6. Happiest moment of 2008 so far?
+ a lot..everyday is the best moment for me~~
7.What are you eating?
+skang xde,td ade..choc. zip..
8. Which of your friends is the easiest to talk to?
+ tia!!~luv her!!
9. Who do you tell the most to?
+ my mum. everything~
10. Last time you had a sleepover?
+ em...ntah..lpe
11. Latest you stayed out in the past week?
+ last nite..tiap2 ari je pon..~~
12. Have you ever been in a car accident?
+ thanx to God~~ xde..~
13. Do you care if people hate you for no reason?
+ heh~like i care. benci r dier blik~~
14. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
+ yeah~besides my bro..zap..
15. What are you wearing?
+ hoh...~~
16. Wanting?
+ him~~
17. Do you like anyone?
+ indeed..yeah~
18. Do you remember your dreams?
+ of coz..my dream katenye..xkn la lupe..soalan biar bijak sket.
19.What do you hate?
+rite now..em taking my bath..mls nyer~~
20. Orange or apple juice?
21. Do you love someone right now?
+em..dunno la..ye la kot~`
22. Where were you at 2:02 this morning?
+ did some works in my room
23. Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
+ nope..byk lgik mende len yg bley ak wat..
24. Have you ever changed clothes in a car?
25. Do you cry easily?
+ yes!!~sensitif la konon~~
26. Last time you cried?
+ last wek kot~xigt la..
27. Last text message you received?
+ bil~~~ ak g skola dlu aw..da xde mase da ni'
28.Do you enjoy life?
+ yes!!
29. Do you tend to make things complicated?
+ i didnt mean too but sumtimes it turned to be like that
30. What's on your mind right now?
+ al wafi
31. Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
+ insya ALLAh..ye la kot~~
32. What do you look forward to in the next 3 months?
+ mare clothes and more clothes!!yeah~~~~~~~
33. Anything exciting tomorrow?
+ em..hang out kot~~yes!
34. Are you having a good day today?
+ so far..biase jek~~
35. Do you have any gay friends?
+ yeah~~=]but they're nice.
36. When do you go to sleep?
+ nnt2 la...~~
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Have you ever called a person useless?
- officially,nope. memaen ade r..~~
2. What object in your room is really
important to you?
- everything is important..kalo x da trash da..
3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
- yup i guess..
4. Do you smile alot?
- yeah..smile...=]
5. Would you kiss an ugly person for
- what..?~~my kiss is priceless~~!!
6. Where were you today?
- my home
7. What kind of sense of humor do you have?
- what do u want?i have everything!
8. Do you usually tell people when they
hurt your feelings?
-depends..if im too angry,i juz shut my mouth.
9. Do your initials spell out a word?
- nope.~~
10. When is the last time you talked to
an ex?
- owh..last 3 weeks kot...eheh..
11. If you had to delete one person off
your top friends list, who would it be?
- ryte now..xde kot..
14. If you find out your bestfriend was
pregnant how would you react?
- eheh...ko memain kn?
15. Is your shirt new?
- xla..igt ak bkak butik ke..~
16. Where is the last place you went out to eat?
- pizza hut..last nite
17. Have you bought any clothing items
in the past week?
- yeah!!erp..no kot..=[
18. Do you live near your ex?
- kalo btol..ak pindah!!
19. If you could have anything right
now, what would it be?
- my mr right.~~
20. Has your house ever been TPd?
- what??
21. Did you sing in the shower today?
- not yet..but i will..neva missed that.
22. Who was the last person you went
shopping with?
- my mom,sis.
23. Where is the last place you went
- alamanda~~
24. Do you have the same name as one of
your relatives?
- yeah..my late aunt.
25. What kind of car does your sibling
- they dunno how 2 drive.
26. What kind of car do you drive?
- kancil..but viva is damn comfortable!
27. Do you know your fathers birthday?
- of coz..10 sept
What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- he's much better than me n just know how to make me happy
29. How old will you be in 8 months?
- still in 19.
30. Do you prefer a call or a text?
- both
32. Are you happy right now?
- yes!
33. Do your parents drink coffee every
- no coffee allowed in d house!!
34. One song that's meaningful to you?
- a lot. but d one that i can think of rite now is 'all i have to give' by BSB.
35. Do you think you could commit a crime and get away with it?
- nope..what goes around comes around.~~
36. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
- ocean 4 the view.. pool to have fun~~
37. Is there currently a movie showing that you want to see?
- yeah..narnia..
38. Do you like your high school?
- muchieeeeyyy!!~~luv my school!
39. Does a kiss make you feel better?
- absolutely~~=]
40. What is or was your favorite subject in school?
- add math, coz i didnt feel sleepy.
41. What's your favorite kind of cereal?
- coco crunch
42. Is there someone you know you should hate, but you can't?
- yeah!!and i hate the fact that i can't hate him!!~
- officially,nope. memaen ade r..~~
2. What object in your room is really
important to you?
- everything is important..kalo x da trash da..
3. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
- yup i guess..
4. Do you smile alot?
- yeah..smile...=]
5. Would you kiss an ugly person for
- what..?~~my kiss is priceless~~!!
6. Where were you today?
- my home
7. What kind of sense of humor do you have?
- what do u want?i have everything!
8. Do you usually tell people when they
hurt your feelings?
-depends..if im too angry,i juz shut my mouth.
9. Do your initials spell out a word?
- nope.~~
10. When is the last time you talked to
an ex?
- owh..last 3 weeks kot...eheh..
11. If you had to delete one person off
your top friends list, who would it be?
- ryte now..xde kot..
14. If you find out your bestfriend was
pregnant how would you react?
- eheh...ko memain kn?
15. Is your shirt new?
- xla..igt ak bkak butik ke..~
16. Where is the last place you went out to eat?
- pizza hut..last nite
17. Have you bought any clothing items
in the past week?
- yeah!!erp..no kot..=[
18. Do you live near your ex?
- kalo btol..ak pindah!!
19. If you could have anything right
now, what would it be?
- my mr right.~~
20. Has your house ever been TPd?
- what??
21. Did you sing in the shower today?
- not yet..but i will..neva missed that.
22. Who was the last person you went
shopping with?
- my mom,sis.
23. Where is the last place you went
- alamanda~~
24. Do you have the same name as one of
your relatives?
- yeah..my late aunt.
25. What kind of car does your sibling
- they dunno how 2 drive.
26. What kind of car do you drive?
- kancil..but viva is damn comfortable!
27. Do you know your fathers birthday?
- of coz..10 sept
What do you look for in a boyfriend/girlfriend?
- he's much better than me n just know how to make me happy
29. How old will you be in 8 months?
- still in 19.
30. Do you prefer a call or a text?
- both
32. Are you happy right now?
- yes!
33. Do your parents drink coffee every
- no coffee allowed in d house!!
34. One song that's meaningful to you?
- a lot. but d one that i can think of rite now is 'all i have to give' by BSB.
35. Do you think you could commit a crime and get away with it?
- nope..what goes around comes around.~~
36. Do you prefer an ocean or a pool?
- ocean 4 the view.. pool to have fun~~
37. Is there currently a movie showing that you want to see?
- yeah..narnia..
38. Do you like your high school?
- muchieeeeyyy!!~~luv my school!
39. Does a kiss make you feel better?
- absolutely~~=]
40. What is or was your favorite subject in school?
- add math, coz i didnt feel sleepy.
41. What's your favorite kind of cereal?
- coco crunch
42. Is there someone you know you should hate, but you can't?
- yeah!!and i hate the fact that i can't hate him!!~
eyp..em..i feel horrible..coz it's been 5 days since cik aziz gave me some works to do..and i don't even do it. malas gler r..adoi..but no matter what this becoming friday i must send it to him. i want to start right after i done writing this..ceh..konon2 laa...
it's time to wake up..da bpe lme ak juz dok ngadap pc ewk..gler pemalas..
and i mish my buddies..kat u..
pela yg dowg wt skang..seems like they're doing fine..i called them 2 days ago..ceh..da siap g queensbay. siot xtgu ak..
hek3..don't mind pon act..have fun ye kakak2 a.k.a my besties yg kunun2 bez gler tue~~
em..to pipa..im trying my best tok crik milk in the bottle lyrics tue..but didnt find it la..but it's ok..i'll keep trying to find it ok..
yesterday, my classmate kt sek men dlu visited me..he came to my house.
but sori la yer tam..coz dok luar jewk..it's not that i don't want to invite u in, but my parents not at home..ala..view kat luar lg best pe.....~~
we talked about many things..and he keeps yelling and frighting my sis..mcm nk blasah je mke ko,..what on earth is his problem..crik gado ngan bdk kecik..
and he's brought along his fwen,called awie kot..
hoho..kau masih kucintai..sungguh...~~iris la konon..
eheh..dak labuan katenye~~
tam da membesar sket ye tam..hehe..bgus2..man should be man..so than ur woman will feel safe beside u..
em..pe lgik yg best nk cter ek..
owh yeah, today is helmi's burfday.
HEPI BUZDAY yek!!keep fighting.
smoga pnjang umor murah rezeki..may god bless u and all ur wishes will come true.
glad to be ur friend~~=]
have fun with ur family and friends there..
hv a gud day!!~
it's time to wake up..da bpe lme ak juz dok ngadap pc ewk..gler pemalas..
and i mish my buddies..kat u..
pela yg dowg wt skang..seems like they're doing fine..i called them 2 days ago..ceh..da siap g queensbay. siot xtgu ak..
hek3..don't mind pon act..have fun ye kakak2 a.k.a my besties yg kunun2 bez gler tue~~
em..to pipa..im trying my best tok crik milk in the bottle lyrics tue..but didnt find it la..but it's ok..i'll keep trying to find it ok..
yesterday, my classmate kt sek men dlu visited me..he came to my house.
but sori la yer tam..coz dok luar jewk..it's not that i don't want to invite u in, but my parents not at home..ala..view kat luar lg best pe.....~~
we talked about many things..and he keeps yelling and frighting my sis..mcm nk blasah je mke ko,..what on earth is his problem..crik gado ngan bdk kecik..
and he's brought along his fwen,called awie kot..
hoho..kau masih kucintai..sungguh...~~iris la konon..
eheh..dak labuan katenye~~
tam da membesar sket ye tam..hehe..bgus2..man should be man..so than ur woman will feel safe beside u..
em..pe lgik yg best nk cter ek..
owh yeah, today is helmi's burfday.
HEPI BUZDAY yek!!keep fighting.
smoga pnjang umor murah rezeki..may god bless u and all ur wishes will come true.
glad to be ur friend~~=]
have fun with ur family and friends there..
hv a gud day!!~
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
dOn't bOthER
1.Who took your profile picture?
- myself
2. Exactly what are you wearing right
- pants and t shirt
3. What is your current problem?
- lazy!
4. What's the name of the song your
listening to?
- something like you
Chapter 1: ABOUT YOU ♥
- iza..ija
2. Eye color?
- brown
3. Hair color?
- blackyyy~~
Chapter 2: FAMILY ♥
1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
2. Do you get along with your parent
- yes
3. Are your parents cool?
- yeah!
4. Do you have any siblings?
- yupp~~
Chapter 3: FAVORITE ♥
1. Ice Cream?
- my life.
2. Season?
- autumn
3. Book?
- klik. cleo. hot. galaxie.
4. Band?
- new found glory
5. Food?
- waffle
6.Drink(s) (non alcoholic)?
- milo ice satoo~
7. Pen color?
- blue
8. Store?
- anything with clothes and accessories
9. Person?
- him~
Chapter 4: DO YOU ♥
1. Write on your hand?
-nope..kcik2 ade laa..
2. Call people back?
- not really
3. Believe in love?
- hell..yeah.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
- nope
Chapter 5: HAVE YOU ♥
1. Kissed someone in the pass 48 hours?
- yup..=]
2. If so...where?
- my home
3. Had MENTAL therapy?
- nope!!
4. Gotten surgery?
- nope
5. Taken painkillers?
- nope!~
6. Overdosed on pain killers?
- nehi baby~~
7. meet friends on friendster?
- yes~~
8. if so..where?
- my home gak.
9. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- slalu sgt.
10. Do they know?
- em..certain tau..
1. Person to text you?
- xcek la..
2. Thing you touched?
- my friends caring bout me.
3. Thing you said?
- god must have spent a litle more time on you.
1. whose picture is it that you keep
in your wallet?
* my own, wani ngan ayunie.
2. what time do you go to bed?
* 3 am above
3. what was the last thing you did?
* typing
4.who's the one you always meet the
*my family,tia..
5. who's the person you're gonna call
if you need help?
*my mum, tia and my beshties
6. what was on your mind just now?
* nk g mines.
7. kissed a complete stranger?
* hoh??neva!!~
8. with whom do you wanna have fun?
* my fwens..him~~
9. when was the last time you went out?
* day b4 yesterday..g beli serai kat kedai
10. what do you hate the most for now?
* taking my bath.
11. when was the FIRST time you slept
* ntah..13 years old
12. what things do you want to do now?
* finish this and doing my work
13. what do you do everyday besides
eat and sleep?
* on9..blogie..dance.
14. colors that make you happy?
* orange~~
15. most favourite things in your room?
* em..byk..f now, wardrobe la kot,ade baju..=]
16. what was the last thing you bought
for your room?
* table lamp
17. miss someone?
* hell yeah~~
18. are you a coffee addict?
* nope..it makes me ill~
19. are you satisfied with ur life?
* yes and no.
20. would you share a glass of water
with a friend?
* sharing is caring.
21. when was the last time you ate
* em..smalam kot
22. ever had a food fight?
* nope..
23. what do you usually eat for
* pape pon boley..telan je sudey~~
24. lost a friendship over something
* no..n0..i luv my frenz..
25. been really depressed before?
* yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
26. what's your favorite fastfood?
* byk..daily fresh,kfc,pizza
27. cried in front of your classmates?
* yeah~~~and i don't regret it
28. can you remember what you did on
the first day of your school ?
* asked permission g solat.
29. what's on ur mind?
* ble nk mandi nie..??!
30. what's your plan tonight?
*hang out wit my family.
1.Who took your profile picture?
- myself
2. Exactly what are you wearing right
- pants and t shirt
3. What is your current problem?
- lazy!
4. What's the name of the song your
listening to?
- something like you
Chapter 1: ABOUT YOU ♥
- iza..ija
2. Eye color?
- brown
3. Hair color?
- blackyyy~~
Chapter 2: FAMILY ♥
1. Do you live with your parent(s)?
2. Do you get along with your parent
- yes
3. Are your parents cool?
- yeah!
4. Do you have any siblings?
- yupp~~
Chapter 3: FAVORITE ♥
1. Ice Cream?
- my life.
2. Season?
- autumn
3. Book?
- klik. cleo. hot. galaxie.
4. Band?
- new found glory
5. Food?
- waffle
6.Drink(s) (non alcoholic)?
- milo ice satoo~
7. Pen color?
- blue
8. Store?
- anything with clothes and accessories
9. Person?
- him~
Chapter 4: DO YOU ♥
1. Write on your hand?
-nope..kcik2 ade laa..
2. Call people back?
- not really
3. Believe in love?
- hell..yeah.
4. Sleep on a certain side of the bed?
- nope
Chapter 5: HAVE YOU ♥
1. Kissed someone in the pass 48 hours?
- yup..=]
2. If so...where?
- my home
3. Had MENTAL therapy?
- nope!!
4. Gotten surgery?
- nope
5. Taken painkillers?
- nope!~
6. Overdosed on pain killers?
- nehi baby~~
7. meet friends on friendster?
- yes~~
8. if so..where?
- my home gak.
9. Do you have a crush on anyone?
- slalu sgt.
10. Do they know?
- em..certain tau..
1. Person to text you?
- xcek la..
2. Thing you touched?
- my friends caring bout me.
3. Thing you said?
- god must have spent a litle more time on you.
1. whose picture is it that you keep
in your wallet?
* my own, wani ngan ayunie.
2. what time do you go to bed?
* 3 am above
3. what was the last thing you did?
* typing
4.who's the one you always meet the
*my family,tia..
5. who's the person you're gonna call
if you need help?
*my mum, tia and my beshties
6. what was on your mind just now?
* nk g mines.
7. kissed a complete stranger?
* hoh??neva!!~
8. with whom do you wanna have fun?
* my fwens..him~~
9. when was the last time you went out?
* day b4 yesterday..g beli serai kat kedai
10. what do you hate the most for now?
* taking my bath.
11. when was the FIRST time you slept
* ntah..13 years old
12. what things do you want to do now?
* finish this and doing my work
13. what do you do everyday besides
eat and sleep?
* on9..blogie..dance.
14. colors that make you happy?
* orange~~
15. most favourite things in your room?
* em..byk..f now, wardrobe la kot,ade baju..=]
16. what was the last thing you bought
for your room?
* table lamp
17. miss someone?
* hell yeah~~
18. are you a coffee addict?
* nope..it makes me ill~
19. are you satisfied with ur life?
* yes and no.
20. would you share a glass of water
with a friend?
* sharing is caring.
21. when was the last time you ate
* em..smalam kot
22. ever had a food fight?
* nope..
23. what do you usually eat for
* pape pon boley..telan je sudey~~
24. lost a friendship over something
* no..n0..i luv my frenz..
25. been really depressed before?
* yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!
26. what's your favorite fastfood?
* byk..daily fresh,kfc,pizza
27. cried in front of your classmates?
* yeah~~~and i don't regret it
28. can you remember what you did on
the first day of your school ?
* asked permission g solat.
29. what's on ur mind?
* ble nk mandi nie..??!
30. what's your plan tonight?
*hang out wit my family.
i want ICE CREAM!!~
Copy, Paste, Don’t look at
the bottom
before you do the thing or it won’t
This is scary but pretty accurate.
1. Which color is better? red,
black,green,blue or yellow?
• black
2. What’s your middle initial?
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Which color do you like more, black
or white?
• black!
5. Name one of your friends.
• cikin
6. Your favorite number?
• 10
7. Do you like flying or driving more?
• driving
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean
• ocean
9. Think of a wish, but don’t write it
1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.
Black: You are conservative and
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.
Yellow - you are a very happy person..
2. If you’re initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to
S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally
April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last
July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the
White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.
5. This person is your best friend:
6. If it is:
1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*
more than 50 is nothing
7. If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.
9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotional Test. Dont Cheat!
the bottom
before you do the thing or it won’t
This is scary but pretty accurate.
1. Which color is better? red,
black,green,blue or yellow?
• black
2. What’s your middle initial?
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Which color do you like more, black
or white?
• black!
5. Name one of your friends.
• cikin
6. Your favorite number?
• 10
7. Do you like flying or driving more?
• driving
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean
• ocean
9. Think of a wish, but don’t write it
1. If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is
full of love.
Black: You are conservative and
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you
are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love
kisses and affection from the ones you
love and give good advice to those who
are down.
Yellow - you are a very happy person..
2. If you’re initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and
friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the
maximum & your love life is soon to
S-Z: You like to help others and your
future love life looks very good.
3. If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well
for you and you will discover that you
fall in love with someone totally
April-June: You will have a strong
love relationship that will last
July-Sept: You will have a great year
and will experience a major life-
changing experience for the good.
Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great,
and eventually you will find your soul
4. If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a
different direction, it will seem hard
at times but will be the best thing
for you, and you will be glad for the
White: You will have a friend who
completely confides in you and would
do anything for you, but you may not
realize it.
5. This person is your best friend:
6. If it is:
1-50 you are a very lovable person and
you have a great life*
more than 50 is nothing
7. If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.
8. If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends,
your lover, and yourself. You are very
reserved and not emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like
to please people sometimes.
9. This wish will come true only if
you repost this with the title:
Emotional Test. Dont Cheat!
1.Are u smiling?
:: a bit~
2.When was the last time u met someone new?
::last week kot
3.What is irritating u now?
:: work!
4.When did u last eat pizza?
:: last 2 weeks.my uncle made it
5.Did u drink beer last night?
:: neva
6.Do u know the dance steps to Crank Dat Soulja Boy?
:: what's that???
7.Are u good at poker?
:: xpena men pon.
9.Are u tired?
:: nope
10.Last spoken words u heard?
::i will be..
11.Have u ever kissed anyone named John?
12.Besides ur bed, what is ur favourite thing in ur room?
:: my table lamp,my teddy~~
13.Pepsi or Coke?
:: both
12.Did u ever throw up?
:: yes
15.Did u ever throw up while kissing someone?
:: not yet..hope never ever be that way
16.Do u enjoy piercings and tattoos?
:: piercings ok kot..tattoos nope
17.Taco Bell or McDonald's?
:: Mc D~
18.Are u restless?
:: im over rest
19.Is ur computer a laptop?
20.Are u allowed to stay up later than 10pm on a weeknight?
:: yes..slalu sgt
21.How many fs views do u have?
:: 39
22.Want to be a milionaire?
:: im dying to be~~
23.Do u believe dreams come true?
:: yeah~~
24.Last song u heard?
:: stronger
25.Do u like.. Batman?
:: not really
26.Who is in the room with u?
:: my bf..heh!joking. nobody..
27.What are u wearing on ur feet?
30.What was the last thing u ate?
:: sate ikan...em..yummy~~
31.What were u doing before this?
:: sent my sis to school
32.What is the closest item that is blue?
:: liquid
34. What instant messaging service do u use?
:: huh??YM
35. What is ur favourite website?
:: mysoju
36. Whose house did u go to last night?
:: xde..
37.What do u wear more, jeans or
:: equally same
38.What is the last movie u watched?
:: my tutor friend.heh..hillarious!
39.What do u currently hear right now?
::hold me now, mia rose
40.when did u last buy a new pair of pants?
:: last week kot. em, btol la..
41.When did u last take a shower?
:: yesterday..huhu
43.Have u ever heard of the band Soul Fly?
44.Where is ur mom?
:: OUM
45.Where do u sleep?
::im my room ler..
46.Where do u shop the most?
:: warta..pkns, alamanda in line~
49.Where was ur default Friendster
picture taken?
:: pulau!!luar gurney~~
50.Why did u pick ur background?
:: i luv my pose
51.Why did u kiss the last person u kissed?
:: i love....
52.Are u happy with where u are?
:: yes..um..nope..yes kot
53.Do u believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
:: yes..
54.Would u ever take someone back if
they cheated on u?
:: yes..people make mistakes.
55.Have u ever talked about marriage
with someone before?
:: a bit~
2.When was the last time u met someone new?
::last week kot
3.What is irritating u now?
:: work!
4.When did u last eat pizza?
:: last 2 weeks.my uncle made it
5.Did u drink beer last night?
:: neva
6.Do u know the dance steps to Crank Dat Soulja Boy?
:: what's that???
7.Are u good at poker?
:: xpena men pon.
9.Are u tired?
:: nope
10.Last spoken words u heard?
::i will be..
11.Have u ever kissed anyone named John?
12.Besides ur bed, what is ur favourite thing in ur room?
:: my table lamp,my teddy~~
13.Pepsi or Coke?
:: both
12.Did u ever throw up?
:: yes
15.Did u ever throw up while kissing someone?
:: not yet..hope never ever be that way
16.Do u enjoy piercings and tattoos?
:: piercings ok kot..tattoos nope
17.Taco Bell or McDonald's?
:: Mc D~
18.Are u restless?
:: im over rest
19.Is ur computer a laptop?
20.Are u allowed to stay up later than 10pm on a weeknight?
:: yes..slalu sgt
21.How many fs views do u have?
:: 39
22.Want to be a milionaire?
:: im dying to be~~
23.Do u believe dreams come true?
:: yeah~~
24.Last song u heard?
:: stronger
25.Do u like.. Batman?
:: not really
26.Who is in the room with u?
:: my bf..heh!joking. nobody..
27.What are u wearing on ur feet?
30.What was the last thing u ate?
:: sate ikan...em..yummy~~
31.What were u doing before this?
:: sent my sis to school
32.What is the closest item that is blue?
:: liquid
34. What instant messaging service do u use?
:: huh??YM
35. What is ur favourite website?
:: mysoju
36. Whose house did u go to last night?
:: xde..
37.What do u wear more, jeans or
:: equally same
38.What is the last movie u watched?
:: my tutor friend.heh..hillarious!
39.What do u currently hear right now?
::hold me now, mia rose
40.when did u last buy a new pair of pants?
:: last week kot. em, btol la..
41.When did u last take a shower?
:: yesterday..huhu
43.Have u ever heard of the band Soul Fly?
44.Where is ur mom?
:: OUM
45.Where do u sleep?
::im my room ler..
46.Where do u shop the most?
:: warta..pkns, alamanda in line~
49.Where was ur default Friendster
picture taken?
:: pulau!!luar gurney~~
50.Why did u pick ur background?
:: i luv my pose
51.Why did u kiss the last person u kissed?
:: i love....
52.Are u happy with where u are?
:: yes..um..nope..yes kot
53.Do u believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is ok?
:: yes..
54.Would u ever take someone back if
they cheated on u?
:: yes..people make mistakes.
55.Have u ever talked about marriage
with someone before?
1. If you're being extremely quiet what
does it mean?
**im tired
2. Do you still have feelings for your
4. Last time you laughed? who made you
**yesterday..korean actors
5. Has anyone told you they missed you
6. Are you wearing any clothes that
don't belong to you
7. Would you ever date your best friend
(of the opposite sex)?
**em..no kot~~
8. what's the last mistake you made?
**just now
9. Do you regret anything from your
**slalu sgt..
10. If you could seek revenge on
someone would you?
11. How do you react when people cry
around you?
**im cool~~eheh.
12. Do you bump into someones arm if
you want to hold their hand?
13. Last argument?
**da lame da xgado..
14. Are you jealous of this person?
15. Do you know how to belly dance?
**haha..try me.
16. What are you listening to?
**buletin 1.30
17. Last beverage
**plain water. my fev..
18. Last nap?
19. Do you own a planner?
20. Favorite months?
** june and dec
21. what's going on this weekend?
**shopping!!!!hang out!!
does it mean?
**im tired
2. Do you still have feelings for your
4. Last time you laughed? who made you
**yesterday..korean actors
5. Has anyone told you they missed you
6. Are you wearing any clothes that
don't belong to you
7. Would you ever date your best friend
(of the opposite sex)?
**em..no kot~~
8. what's the last mistake you made?
**just now
9. Do you regret anything from your
**slalu sgt..
10. If you could seek revenge on
someone would you?
11. How do you react when people cry
around you?
**im cool~~eheh.
12. Do you bump into someones arm if
you want to hold their hand?
13. Last argument?
**da lame da xgado..
14. Are you jealous of this person?
15. Do you know how to belly dance?
**haha..try me.
16. What are you listening to?
**buletin 1.30
17. Last beverage
**plain water. my fev..
18. Last nap?
19. Do you own a planner?
20. Favorite months?
** june and dec
21. what's going on this weekend?
**shopping!!!!hang out!!
1. What is your current ringtone?
:: that's when i stop loving you
2. What is your current wallpaper?
:: sweet couple..yg pntg it's not me laa..
3. Do you own a picture phone?
4. If so, what was the last picture you took?
:: my pic wit cikin kt cotton island.
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th message from the top says:
:: HEPI BURFDAY BFF. hepi slalu.syg ko
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
:: more than 150 kot..
7. Go to your last missed call, who was it?
:: tam
9. What service do you have?
10. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service?
::juz let me do it. im strong.~~duh~~
11. Who's on your speed dial number 5?
::never do that
12. Do you have a voicemail?
:: nope
13. How many contacts that start with the letter D do you have:
:: 8
14. Who do you call the most?
:: my dad kot
15. How many text messages do you get a month?
:: bley thn byk la.
16. Can you send pictures?
:: yup
17. What are the last 4 digits to your number?
:: 7252
18. Go to your sent texts, what does the eighth one say?
::kte pg 16 hb ok ek?
19. What about the 15th?
:: gewdik la survey ni! xde pon..da delete.
20. Who's the last person that you called?
:: my dad!!~
22. Last person that texted you?
23. Last person you added to your address book?
:: ntah la..xingat
24. How many minutes are on your plan?
:: depends on my brain.haha..
25. Do you like your phone?
:: it's perfect!
26. What is it?
:: SE
27. Wanna give out your number?
::u wish!!
:: that's when i stop loving you
2. What is your current wallpaper?
:: sweet couple..yg pntg it's not me laa..
3. Do you own a picture phone?
4. If so, what was the last picture you took?
:: my pic wit cikin kt cotton island.
5. Go to your text message inbox and type what the 10th message from the top says:
:: HEPI BURFDAY BFF. hepi slalu.syg ko
6. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
:: more than 150 kot..
7. Go to your last missed call, who was it?
:: tam
9. What service do you have?
10. At this very moment, how many bars do you have for your service?
::juz let me do it. im strong.~~duh~~
11. Who's on your speed dial number 5?
::never do that
12. Do you have a voicemail?
:: nope
13. How many contacts that start with the letter D do you have:
:: 8
14. Who do you call the most?
:: my dad kot
15. How many text messages do you get a month?
:: bley thn byk la.
16. Can you send pictures?
:: yup
17. What are the last 4 digits to your number?
:: 7252
18. Go to your sent texts, what does the eighth one say?
::kte pg 16 hb ok ek?
19. What about the 15th?
:: gewdik la survey ni! xde pon..da delete.
20. Who's the last person that you called?
:: my dad!!~
22. Last person that texted you?
23. Last person you added to your address book?
:: ntah la..xingat
24. How many minutes are on your plan?
:: depends on my brain.haha..
25. Do you like your phone?
:: it's perfect!
26. What is it?
:: SE
27. Wanna give out your number?
::u wish!!
1.Does anyone know your password to
your friendster besides yourself?
~dunno. my bro could guess kot.
2. What was the last thing you ordered
at McDonalds?
~chiken McDelux
3. Are you an emotional person?
4. Do you like your name?
~of coz!~
5. Do you believe in love at first
~eheh..ntah lor..~
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
~slalu. brok prangai ek.
7. What was the last thing you did?
~wiping my nose.
8. Who is right next to you?
~dun scared me.!it's 2.59 a.m!
9. Who were the last persons you ate
~my mum,my sis.
10. What song are you listening to
right now?
11. Hows the weather right now ?
12. Last person who called you today?
~my unknown ex.
13. Why did he/she called?
~i dunno!
14. Last song you sang?
15. Do you like anyone?
~huh?yup i guess~~
16. Lost a friendship over something
17. Last beverage you drank?
~plain water
18. Last food you ate?
19. What did you do last night?
~update my blog, dwnload lgu, watched some korean movies
20. Faked being sick to miss school?
~he3..nope. time kecik dlu ade laa..
21. What time did you wake up today?
~12..hey, i sleep late.
22. Last person you talked to?
~my daddy.
23. Last person you made fun of?
24. What are you wearing right now?
~t-shirt and short.
25. Are you too quiet to ask anyone
26. What is the first thing you notice
about the opposite/same sex?
27.Where are you right now?
~in front of my pc.
28. What date and day is it?
~11 june, wednesday.
29. Did you go anywhere today?
~xde pon~~
30. What did you do there?
31. Where else are you going today?
~im juz staying at home~
32. Are you watching TV?
~yeah!it's my life.
33. Are you mature or immature?
~emm..hard to answer..depends...~
34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
35. When was your last kiss?
~this evening
36. What school do you go to?
~tadika, primary, high school
37. Whats the most annoying thing
people say to you?
~pemalasnye..dok umah tido jek!!!!!!erhhhhh!!~~
38. Do you like music?
~a lot!im normal~~
39. Do you want to get married?
~eheh..can't wait..~!
40. to whom?
~ade la..haha
your friendster besides yourself?
~dunno. my bro could guess kot.
2. What was the last thing you ordered
at McDonalds?
~chiken McDelux
3. Are you an emotional person?
4. Do you like your name?
~of coz!~
5. Do you believe in love at first
~eheh..ntah lor..~
6. Ever felt jealous of your friend?
~slalu. brok prangai ek.
7. What was the last thing you did?
~wiping my nose.
8. Who is right next to you?
~dun scared me.!it's 2.59 a.m!
9. Who were the last persons you ate
~my mum,my sis.
10. What song are you listening to
right now?
11. Hows the weather right now ?
12. Last person who called you today?
~my unknown ex.
13. Why did he/she called?
~i dunno!
14. Last song you sang?
15. Do you like anyone?
~huh?yup i guess~~
16. Lost a friendship over something
17. Last beverage you drank?
~plain water
18. Last food you ate?
19. What did you do last night?
~update my blog, dwnload lgu, watched some korean movies
20. Faked being sick to miss school?
~he3..nope. time kecik dlu ade laa..
21. What time did you wake up today?
~12..hey, i sleep late.
22. Last person you talked to?
~my daddy.
23. Last person you made fun of?
24. What are you wearing right now?
~t-shirt and short.
25. Are you too quiet to ask anyone
26. What is the first thing you notice
about the opposite/same sex?
27.Where are you right now?
~in front of my pc.
28. What date and day is it?
~11 june, wednesday.
29. Did you go anywhere today?
~xde pon~~
30. What did you do there?
31. Where else are you going today?
~im juz staying at home~
32. Are you watching TV?
~yeah!it's my life.
33. Are you mature or immature?
~emm..hard to answer..depends...~
34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?
35. When was your last kiss?
~this evening
36. What school do you go to?
~tadika, primary, high school
37. Whats the most annoying thing
people say to you?
~pemalasnye..dok umah tido jek!!!!!!erhhhhh!!~~
38. Do you like music?
~a lot!im normal~~
39. Do you want to get married?
~eheh..can't wait..~!
40. to whom?
~ade la..haha
Monday, June 9, 2008
moROn tuRNeD gUD bOy~
emm..i was thinking bout what i should write..and it juz up to my mind bout my old fwens..so..now i want to write bout my old primary school fwen..
his name is al-wafi. hehe..cm name kismis. wawa~~
em..act the school dlu, we're never be fwens. he was my big enemy..bcoz he was d only oNe yg skE crik paSal ngan ak..
he's cute..i mean, there's a bunch oh gurlz yG mengGeWdik dpn diEr tue..em..xdela rmAi mnE pon..he's kindA harsh..xseswaI lgsung Nk wt pkWe.
then,he was a prefect but oops! sori, he was a HEAD prefect. what the heck?? prangai xserupe manusia..how could he got that position.??it's ridiculous!!~
he was mean..!!~i hate him damn much. 2 years one class with him made me suffer~if our eyes were clashing, bley plak dier tetbe ckp kat ak.. 'ko apasal pandang2? ade hutang?' ak mcm.. what the %$#^*%*(&^$#!@?????!!!!
dier igt ak nk pandang sgt ke muke dier yg cm jambu berkulat tue..eeuuuwww!!
puh-leez!!!! he hit me with that pembaris kayu yg pnjg tue.. malu ak! since he was a stupid fellow that was always fooling around and playing with our father's name, granny's name and our physical prop's..and bla bla bla~~(whatever~~) i hit his back. and i said that he likes nadzirah. one of my besfwens. that rumors..em..(im not d one who's created it..~) was spreading amongs the teachers and of coz..the students yg ske jge tepi kain owg kat my skool tue..ske ejek dier ngan si nad nie..hey..
im a gud gurl at school! (wlu pun xdpt dpastikan kesahihannye..~~0
i never did that on purpose ok..dier yg start dulu..
dier ckp ak pen-dek! dier ckp ak PENDEK?!!!?? he called me bantut!!~ i was trembling in anger. i mean, pe mslh dier, nk ejek ak pendek lak..xde nyusahkan idup dier pon.!!
apahal!!??!?!? gler..ak tau pe mslh dier, dier ade mslh jiwe. stupid! he was such aN idiot moron!! fuhhh~~~~~~ it makes me feel angry tho it was a long ago pnye story, it still up to my nerves when i think bout that now. that fellow..konon ganas..tp kalo ade motivasi,nangis ngalahkan pmpuan! kememeh!!! lu bla la mamat.~~
hu3...but it was then, when i was in form 2, i called him and he's change, more soft spoken..dah mature sket kot. and we still be fwens..until now. now he's at air asia academy, amek air craft engineer..em.. gud for him..
we lived in the same kampung, so we can meet anytime but we never meet pon. msing2 bz..so..i hope he'll succed in future coz he's smart. really-smart.
keep fighting!!~=]
his name is al-wafi. hehe..cm name kismis. wawa~~
em..act the school dlu, we're never be fwens. he was my big enemy..bcoz he was d only oNe yg skE crik paSal ngan ak..
he's cute..i mean, there's a bunch oh gurlz yG mengGeWdik dpn diEr tue..em..xdela rmAi mnE pon..he's kindA harsh..xseswaI lgsung Nk wt pkWe.
then,he was a prefect but oops! sori, he was a HEAD prefect. what the heck?? prangai xserupe manusia..how could he got that position.??it's ridiculous!!~
he was mean..!!~i hate him damn much. 2 years one class with him made me suffer~if our eyes were clashing, bley plak dier tetbe ckp kat ak.. 'ko apasal pandang2? ade hutang?' ak mcm.. what the %$#^*%*(&^$#!@?????!!!!
dier igt ak nk pandang sgt ke muke dier yg cm jambu berkulat tue..eeuuuwww!!
puh-leez!!!! he hit me with that pembaris kayu yg pnjg tue.. malu ak! since he was a stupid fellow that was always fooling around and playing with our father's name, granny's name and our physical prop's..and bla bla bla~~(whatever~~) i hit his back. and i said that he likes nadzirah. one of my besfwens. that rumors..em..(im not d one who's created it..~) was spreading amongs the teachers and of coz..the students yg ske jge tepi kain owg kat my skool tue..ske ejek dier ngan si nad nie..hey..
im a gud gurl at school! (wlu pun xdpt dpastikan kesahihannye..~~0
i never did that on purpose ok..dier yg start dulu..
dier ckp ak pen-dek! dier ckp ak PENDEK?!!!?? he called me bantut!!~ i was trembling in anger. i mean, pe mslh dier, nk ejek ak pendek lak..xde nyusahkan idup dier pon.!!
apahal!!??!?!? gler..ak tau pe mslh dier, dier ade mslh jiwe. stupid! he was such aN idiot moron!! fuhhh~~~~~~ it makes me feel angry tho it was a long ago pnye story, it still up to my nerves when i think bout that now. that fellow..konon ganas..tp kalo ade motivasi,nangis ngalahkan pmpuan! kememeh!!! lu bla la mamat.~~
hu3...but it was then, when i was in form 2, i called him and he's change, more soft spoken..dah mature sket kot. and we still be fwens..until now. now he's at air asia academy, amek air craft engineer..em.. gud for him..
we lived in the same kampung, so we can meet anytime but we never meet pon. msing2 bz..so..i hope he'll succed in future coz he's smart. really-smart.
keep fighting!!~=]
don't know what to write act..
i feel like im dying now..
there's so many probs here..at home..and something happened.
for all this time.and now the secrets revealed. i knew the truth.
i can't stop thinking bout that..i really wish i can write down...but im trembling and it's a complicated situation.
i can't juz bear it in my mind. bencinyeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
eheh..sory..smangat sgt la plak..
ok blogie reader..plez..dun worry bout me~` (mcm la ade yg risau..)
xdela besa sgt pun..
for u guys la..for me...panjang critenye..
it's ok.. have fun yerk reading my blog..
n my story yg ntah pape ni..
i will try my besh to make up gud topics next time..
k la.. nite to me.
i feel like im dying now..
there's so many probs here..at home..and something happened.
for all this time.and now the secrets revealed. i knew the truth.
i can't stop thinking bout that..i really wish i can write down...but im trembling and it's a complicated situation.
i can't juz bear it in my mind. bencinyeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
eheh..sory..smangat sgt la plak..
ok blogie reader..plez..dun worry bout me~` (mcm la ade yg risau..)
xdela besa sgt pun..
for u guys la..for me...panjang critenye..
it's ok.. have fun yerk reading my blog..
n my story yg ntah pape ni..
i will try my besh to make up gud topics next time..
k la.. nite to me.
Sunday, June 8, 2008

im planning to go to my school next 2 weeks..i'll go there with my friends..
it feels gud that i know i will meet my old friends..it's been for ages..can't wait to see their new faces.
bil,umie,wan wat,azwan,capiq,tam,ep,has,..em..sume la..
windu gler kat dorg!
but at the same time, i do feel something's missing coz biha is not here with me.
dier da fly lme da..g korea and left me here.
da la xdpt nk antar kt airport. she called me 2weeks b4 she go..and i didn't have time to go back home. bz gler time tue..
exam was around the corner and there's bunch of assignments that must to be done.
aku rase ralat sgt..besfwen dunia akhirat kot..
emm..and my bufday, xdpt pun wish dr dier..(ele..slalunye dier mmmg xpna igt on time pon..) but still la..rse sdih coz she's not here..sometimes..da pgg hp nk text dier..but forgot dier xde kat cni..
she's smart...soooo smart. a genius, indepentdent,funny, polite, honest,and sgt sgt sgt laaa...baek. she loves money. then,she was always said that she's gonna be a bussiness woman bcoz that will make her rich. she hates study tho she's smart like monkey..he3...and her parents is lectures. she's rich but never show off..bgus gler x kwn ak nie..x kedekut..baek ilmu mahupun makanan dier..huhu..
im d one who always mkn makanan dier smpai abis but she neva cares..
syg dier sgt2!!
i got my pix wid my friends..but biha is not in it..but dun cry biha..
coz ur pix is always in my heart..<3 u.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Monday, June 2, 2008
i miSs yOU..<3
Sha-la-la-la-la, sha-la-la-la-la
YoU usEd tO cAll mE yOUr AnGeL
SAId I wAS sENt sTRaiGht dOwn fROm HeAVen
AnD YoU'd hOLd mE cLOse iN yoUR aRMs
I lOVed tHE WAy YOu fELt sO strONg
I nEVer wANteD yOu tO leaVE
I WantEd yOu tO sTAy hERe hOLDin' mE~
I mISs yOU
I misS yoUR sMILe
anD I stILL sHEd a tEAr eVERy oNCe iN a whILe
AnD eVEn tHOUgh iT's dIFfeREnt nOW
YoU'rE stILL hERe soMEhoW
My hEArt woN't lEt yOU gO
AnD I nEEd yOu tO kNOw
I miSS yOu
I mISs yOU
YoU uSEd tO cALL mE yOUr dREAmer
AnD nOW I'm lIVin' oUt mY dREam
Oh, hoW I wiSH yOU cOUld sEe
EvErYThing tHAt's haPPenIn' fOr mE
I'm tHInkin' baCK oN The paST
It'S tRUe tHe tIMe iS fLYin' bY tOo faST
I kNOw yOU're iN a bETteR pLAce, yEAh
BuT I wISh tHAt I cOUld sEE yOUr fACe, oH
I kNOw yOU're wHEre yOU nEEd tO bE
EvEN tHOUgh iT's nOt hERe wITh mE
I mISs yOU
I misS yoUR sMILe
anD I stILL sHEd a tEAr eVERy oNCe iN a whILe
AnD eVEn tHOUgh iT's dIFfeREnt nOW
YoU'rE stILL hERe soMEhoW
My hEArt woN't lEt yOU gO
AnD I nEEd yOu tO kNOw
I miSS yOu
I mISs yOU~~~~
YoU usEd tO cAll mE yOUr AnGeL
SAId I wAS sENt sTRaiGht dOwn fROm HeAVen
AnD YoU'd hOLd mE cLOse iN yoUR aRMs
I lOVed tHE WAy YOu fELt sO strONg
I nEVer wANteD yOu tO leaVE
I WantEd yOu tO sTAy hERe hOLDin' mE~
I mISs yOU
I misS yoUR sMILe
anD I stILL sHEd a tEAr eVERy oNCe iN a whILe
AnD eVEn tHOUgh iT's dIFfeREnt nOW
YoU'rE stILL hERe soMEhoW
My hEArt woN't lEt yOU gO
AnD I nEEd yOu tO kNOw
I miSS yOu
I mISs yOU
YoU uSEd tO cALL mE yOUr dREAmer
AnD nOW I'm lIVin' oUt mY dREam
Oh, hoW I wiSH yOU cOUld sEe
EvErYThing tHAt's haPPenIn' fOr mE
I'm tHInkin' baCK oN The paST
It'S tRUe tHe tIMe iS fLYin' bY tOo faST
I kNOw yOU're iN a bETteR pLAce, yEAh
BuT I wISh tHAt I cOUld sEE yOUr fACe, oH
I kNOw yOU're wHEre yOU nEEd tO bE
EvEN tHOUgh iT's nOt hERe wITh mE
I mISs yOU
I misS yoUR sMILe
anD I stILL sHEd a tEAr eVERy oNCe iN a whILe
AnD eVEn tHOUgh iT's dIFfeREnt nOW
YoU'rE stILL hERe soMEhoW
My hEArt woN't lEt yOU gO
AnD I nEEd yOu tO kNOw
I miSS yOu
I mISs yOU~~~~
im qUiT~
im quit my job. bcoz i can't stand the salary. it's cheap and it's not worth for me to work for 12 hours a day and get 1.7o per hour. then,i just work for a week. and i told my boss that. im quit. eheh..now im bubbling at my house and doing houseworks. it's ok then since my mom told me that she's going to pay me for sure. it better be! and i got another job..it should starts on monday but as usual..i woke up late. (ele..biase la tue..mcm la tak tau...) so..tomorrow early in the morning i will come to my father's friend house to start.yeah..pakcik aziz(my father's friend) want me to do something..like..arrange his files and type letters..emm..sumthin like that laa..
i love typing so i guess there's no prob for me to do that,..
it's been 2 weeks since holiday started..and it's fun bcoz i can watch movies and 'groofing' around with my siblings.. i already watched the 1st shop of coffee prince, it's hillarious..!!and witch yoo hee..it's quite fun too..and im still on it..
i keep practicing my skill on guitar..i hope it's getting better..it's not easy but it's possible too..my fingers hurt..but it's ok..i'll get used to it.
what else r..owh~!!
my bestfwen buzday on 1st of june,and i can't celebrate with her and the rest..and im quite sad about that..
hoping u guys are doing great and pipa!
happy buzday and smoga panjang umur murah rezeki.
u'll get what u want if u're really looking forward to get it.
u 'll get it as much as u want it.
and i believe in you...=]
nnt bile ak blik kte tgk hindustan sme2..sampai muntah.
kite joget hindustan sampai kurus.
huhu...keep being my besfwen until death split us apart...~~
xoxo pipa xoxo
i love typing so i guess there's no prob for me to do that,..
it's been 2 weeks since holiday started..and it's fun bcoz i can watch movies and 'groofing' around with my siblings.. i already watched the 1st shop of coffee prince, it's hillarious..!!and witch yoo hee..it's quite fun too..and im still on it..
i keep practicing my skill on guitar..i hope it's getting better..it's not easy but it's possible too..my fingers hurt..but it's ok..i'll get used to it.
what else r..owh~!!
my bestfwen buzday on 1st of june,and i can't celebrate with her and the rest..and im quite sad about that..
hoping u guys are doing great and pipa!
happy buzday and smoga panjang umur murah rezeki.
u'll get what u want if u're really looking forward to get it.
u 'll get it as much as u want it.
and i believe in you...=]
nnt bile ak blik kte tgk hindustan sme2..sampai muntah.
kite joget hindustan sampai kurus.
huhu...keep being my besfwen until death split us apart...~~
xoxo pipa xoxo
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