Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, June 9, 2008

moROn tuRNeD gUD bOy~

emm..i was thinking bout what i should write..and it juz up to my mind bout my old fwens..so..now i want to write bout my old primary school fwen..
his name is al-wafi. hehe..cm name kismis. wawa~~
em..act the school dlu, we're never be fwens. he was my big enemy..bcoz he was d only oNe yg skE crik paSal ngan ak..
he's cute..i mean, there's a bunch oh gurlz yG mengGeWdik dpn diEr tue..em..xdela rmAi mnE pon..he's kindA harsh..xseswaI lgsung Nk wt pkWe.
then,he was a prefect but oops! sori, he was a HEAD prefect. what the heck?? prangai xserupe manusia..how could he got that position.??it's ridiculous!!~
he was mean..!!~i hate him damn much. 2 years one class with him made me suffer~if our eyes were clashing, bley plak dier tetbe ckp kat ak.. 'ko apasal pandang2? ade hutang?' ak mcm.. what the %$#^*%*(&^$#!@?????!!!!
dier igt ak nk pandang sgt ke muke dier yg cm jambu berkulat tue..eeuuuwww!!
puh-leez!!!! he hit me with that pembaris kayu yg pnjg tue.. malu ak! since he was a stupid fellow that was always fooling around and playing with our father's name, granny's name and our physical prop's..and bla bla bla~~(whatever~~) i hit his back. and i said that he likes nadzirah. one of my besfwens. that rumors..em..(im not d one who's created it..~) was spreading amongs the teachers and of coz..the students yg ske jge tepi kain owg kat my skool tue..ske ejek dier ngan si nad nie..hey..
im a gud gurl at school! (wlu pun xdpt dpastikan kesahihannye..~~0
i never did that on purpose ok..dier yg start dulu..
dier ckp ak pen-dek! dier ckp ak PENDEK?!!!?? he called me bantut!!~ i was trembling in anger. i mean, pe mslh dier, nk ejek ak pendek lak..xde nyusahkan idup dier pon.!!
apahal!!??!?!? gler..ak tau pe mslh dier, dier ade mslh jiwe. stupid! he was such aN idiot moron!! fuhhh~~~~~~ it makes me feel angry tho it was a long ago pnye story, it still up to my nerves when i think bout that now. that fellow..konon ganas..tp kalo ade motivasi,nangis ngalahkan pmpuan! kememeh!!! lu bla la mamat.~~
hu3...but it was then, when i was in form 2, i called him and he's change, more soft spoken..dah mature sket kot. and we still be fwens..until now. now he's at air asia academy, amek air craft engineer..em.. gud for him..
we lived in the same kampung, so we can meet anytime but we never meet pon. msing2 bz..so..i hope he'll succed in future coz he's smart. really-smart.
keep fighting!!~=]

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