Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, June 8, 2008


im planning to go to my school next 2 weeks..i'll go there with my friends..
it feels gud that i know i will meet my old friends..it's been for ages..can't wait to see their new faces.
bil,umie,wan wat,azwan,capiq,tam,ep,has,..em..sume la..
windu gler kat dorg!
but at the same time, i do feel something's missing coz biha is not here with me.
dier da fly lme da..g korea and left me here.
da la xdpt nk antar kt airport. she called me 2weeks b4 she go..and i didn't have time to go back home. bz gler time tue..
exam was around the corner and there's bunch of assignments that must to be done.
aku rase ralat sgt..besfwen dunia akhirat kot..
emm..and my bufday, xdpt pun wish dr dier..(ele..slalunye dier mmmg xpna igt on time pon..) but still la..rse sdih coz she's not here..sometimes..da pgg hp nk text dier..but forgot dier xde kat cni..
she's smart...soooo smart. a genius, indepentdent,funny, polite, honest,and sgt sgt sgt laaa...baek. she loves money. then,she was always said that she's gonna be a bussiness woman bcoz that will make her rich. she hates study tho she's smart like monkey..he3...and her parents is lectures. she's rich but never show off..bgus gler x kwn ak nie..x kedekut..baek ilmu mahupun makanan dier..huhu..
im d one who always mkn makanan dier smpai abis but she neva cares..
syg dier sgt2!!

i got my pix wid my friends..but biha is not in it..but dun cry biha..
coz ur pix is always in my heart..<3 u.

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