Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

b for boring~~

em..today ak g my mom's office..act i hv an appointment ngan dentist..
but unfortunately bley plak doc tu ckp today appointment is cancel.
byk cntik muke dier..
penat ak bgun pg. i didnt hv enough rest,(sleep la tue.ak kn tdo 15 jam sehari)
it's ok since i thought that i can sleep at my mom's place but tetbe ade rules ckp 'can't sleep in this area'..mak ak la yg buat cter bohong tue..she made it up. i know!!
sdey nye..with my broken heart nk tdo tp xley tue..i just g pusing2 merentas desa around oum tue smpai muntah~
*muntah tu is just a joke kay.
than im tired and i found a place where i thought that i can sleep. yeah..i could but there's thousand of people will laugh at me..maybe...so..ak just layan blues and im waiting to get into d hospital by the sickening boring.
lucky im strong and the time for lunch is d time that i've witing for..
go to the mall..mkn..jln2... embarrassed myself..(it better if i don't mention it)
and buy me a 'life'! i guess u know what's that could be~~
he~~thanx 4 understanding~~
and now i dunno what to write..1 more week and i will be gone..da start sem bru kn..
mls sgt nk blik..penat la blaja..korg xrase cm nk brenti ke??hoho..
em...ak mmg la xske..tp ak xnk brenti..em..xyah brenti la yek..xdela trok mne pon..
atleast ble pk kn besties ak..
ak semangat la..it might be fun..if u're not alone..~~

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