yeah~~em..today kinda want to write bout futball~~asyik tlis sal mende yg regular jewk.
em act..im not so fanatik wit dis sport. u know, not that much. started like dis sport coz my bff a.k.a miss bill like it like hell..then wktu tu world cup 2006, time ktowg form 5. coz she was obsessed like hell, ak pn cm trase la nk tau pe yg bes sgt.
she told me bout futball=day, futball=night, futball=everyday n everywhere.
hehe..hiperbola siut ak.
and then,u know,hostel life. 11.30 pm light off.bilik tv of coz la xleh msok. it's sooo not fair coz boys got d permission to watch it kat dewan mkn. but us,..?
hate d fact that we're bitch..(huhu~~) then we're just slowly and silently~~i mean. really silent..not even a drop of our footsteps dorg bley dga.( those perfect prefect la..huhu,..sowi~~)
we're crawling and mcm pencuri dok diam2 tgk world cup. what the ##%^&() is that? i mean, who watch futball wit mouth close?? and no sound~~~
bunyi angin pon kuat lg. but we had too coz tkot warden bgun.
haha~~but funny gler ble goal, and we're shouting 'goal' together ngan those boyz kat dwn mkn tu(sblah bilik tv ktowg je pon)
wit hope warden xdga. tetbe.. warden msok dok blakang..haha~~xtau nk pantau ktowg or she joined it skali. huhu~~best2~~
that time la ak bru start minat bola..tho not that much..but still la tgk ( tho most of the time i was sleeping..cian ak..)
hoho..xsaba la plak nk tgk next world cup ni..
dga kate kt afrika..
this time..hope england and france could make it la..
cian joe cole ak..idup joe cole.!!
idup chelsea skali..
ha a..bwu pasan.
post ak chelsea2..tp cter sal world cup.
mls la lak nk tlis sal chelsea..
lenkali la eh..
ala...kowg pon da tau chelsea kn..mmg hebat..xyah ssh2 ak nk cter..
chelsea~~besh.sbb ade joe cole.
walau da tua..tp ak ske gak.
idup sme!!
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