today kluar ngan my uncle..alang..
he brought us (me and my siblings) g alamanda.~~
act i want to buy many things tp xde duit la plak. (which i realized juz now. duh~~)
kinda sad coz beg roxy yg i've been dreaming tu xde pon. but i did like perfume dy. wangi dowh~~
then g mkn pizza. then g billabong. beg dy cntik but not interested. same wit espirit.(huh~~~tpula ckp x interested..hu3)
but happy la dpt out from d cage. n now im at my alang house.writing and watching APOCALYPTO director MEL GIBSON. for real plez!! dis movie is awesome.~~!!
i give 11 stars over 10. it's not enough to describe how gud dis film is.
it's about how this jaguar man escape from death. he was blessed by GOD.
adoi..tetbe igt kt assignment plak. cne nie!!!!
plez sumbody do it 4 me!!
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