weather~ guilty..
im hell trembling rte now.
i think i did sumthing that was totally wrong.
i wasn't do it on purpose.
okeh..pipa's car got something wrong sumwhere coz its got stuck at the back door,on the left.
n act we're on our way to go eat at our feveret place..then i was staring outside n i suddently i feel that i want to try to fix that door. again!
i forgot that my hand is extremely big, n i think i pull the thing up to hard. and it sounds like it cracks sumwhere. urgh. i dun know.
cikin heard that but i dont think she noticed my hell-really-terrified-face.
dy wt bodo jek.
n now i feel horrible.
i need to tell this to pipa.
da la esok mak dy nk dtg bg kete bru sbb kete dy yg skang loan d real owner of d car wanted his car back.
adoh...cane nk ckp nie???!!