Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 6, 2009

rise and shine

perasaan hari ini.

glad xlepas subuh.alarm was sooo friendly today thanx.
tdo t'lbey
sore throat.
back hurts.i feel like an old granny
penang is dang hot.like always.
the vico was ohmygoshseriouslyabsolutelytotally great-genius.marvellous.i had 3 cups.
owh cicin had 4 ;p
akim is the best couzin.i hope nurul and ain wont read this or im dead.call me again next time i need you through the fire and ice kacang.ahaha.
subsidi mkn nk kne apply on9.i hate this.
i keep smiling all day and my lips are shaking.see??stop.now.
poor girl she needs sumbody to talk to and she chose me.she was so talkative haha.
thanx basir for the help.i hope everything goes perfectly.
esok nk kene bayar yuran MUET. pasni nk kene amek tuisyen english sket.grammar sux gle.thanx mom.

hmmm..so far xde ape da.
will update later.



wobot said...

bgtaw org ak makan bykkkk....

LisOtt said...

i got sore throat too.too bAd.ouhh :(