Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, October 8, 2009

happy birthday ibu;

today's my mom's birthday.
i still can't manage to call her. my phone is out of credit but yeah, still my fault. no excuses.
but i just want you to know mom, that i love you. so much. i couldn't give the world to you, but at least i will dedicate my life for you.
said i'd die for you, and i would.

we always fight. but i will always come back to you.
because you are my life.

happy birthday mom. you're 50 now.
but you don't look your age. at all. ask the neighbours.

wait till i get my 1st salary, i will buy you a wardrobe full of jeffery archer's and sydney sheldon's books.



calai said...

happy bday to your mom...

wow...you, me and bil really have another thing in common...our parents' bdays are in the month of October...^_^

Izza Rosli said...

i know right??
~i think we might be under something,
this isn't coincidental~~
haha demi's song.
